Four candidates from Hesse are starting at GNTM 2024 |

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Who will be Germany’s Next Top Model? In the casting show of the same name, Heidi Klum also examines male models for the first time. Three Hessians and one Hessian are taking part in the race – including a pair of twins.

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Audio 00:37 Min. | 16.02.24 |Jens Wellhöner

Will Jermaine from Kassel become Germany’s next top model?

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20 women and, for the first time, 20 men – this is what the starting line-up of the new season of “Germany’s Next Top Model” (GNTM) looks like. According to ProSieben, more than 10,000 men and women applied. Starting this Thursday, 40 of them will fight week after week to advance.

For the first time, two people will win in the end – a man and a woman – and will each receive a 100,000 euro bonus and a cover on a fashion magazine as a prize. Three men and one woman from Hesse made it into the top 40. You get a first impression in their introduction videos for the casting show.

Jermaine (19) from Kassel

For Jermaine from Kassel, the world of models and influencers is familiar territory. The 19-year-old has been working full-time as an influencer for two years – at TikTok and Instagram He has a total of around 800,000 followers. “I upload all kinds of shit,” he says with a laugh about this work.

When he was asked to be the face of a sports brand’s Europe-wide campaign, he initially thought it was a joke. “I thought it was fake.” He wants to make his single mother proud with his participation in GNTM – and she would also get some of the possible prize money: “Not everything, but a little bit.”

Vanessa (22) from Viernheim

The 22-year-old student Vanessa from Viernheim (Bergstrasse) describes herself as “a bit crazy”. No wonder, as she has with her Youtuber-Gruppe The Real Life Guys Friends who do crazy things on a regular basis. Rushing down an XXL slide in a bobby car or bathing in ice water – Vanessa can already tick that off her to-do list.

The 22-year-old is open about her flaws – her hip misalignment and the associated slight limp are unusual for a model show. “Many people don’t seem so perfect at first glance, but they are made perfect by God,” says the practicing Christian. However, her faith is mainly reflected in how she treats other people.

Julian (24) from Frankfurt

Two people from Frankfurt made it into the top 20 men’s group as a double pack. “I always wanted to take part in GNTM, but that wasn’t possible for men,” Julian is happy about taking part and about the fact that his brother Luka also received an invitation.

Recognizing visual differences between them is not that easy. “But in terms of character, it’s clear. I’m more dreamy, he’s more down-to-earth,” says Julian. Follow the twins on their shared accounts TikTok and Instagram around 70,000 fans.

By the way, this is not the first pair of twins to try their luck on GNTM. In 2017, Eva and Sophie were also cast as a couple in the show – neither of them made it to the final.

Luka (24) from Frankfurt

The 24-year-old Luka, like his twin brother Julian, actually comes from Heilbronn (Baden-Württemberg). Both of their careers ended up in Frankfurt. They already gained their first modeling experiences together at Fashion Week in Berlin.

“Julian and I are a strong team,” says Luka – and that’s hardly surprising. But this strength could also become the biggest challenge. A separation – depending on which phase of the show – would be “the biggest challenge” for Luka.

At this point at the latest, Heidi Klum will strike mercilessly. Because everyone knows: Only one person can become Germany’s Next (Male) Top Model.

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