GNTM 2024 – Craftsman Heidi Klum reveals: “I’ve already covered a roof!”

by time news

When getting to know the candidates in the first episode of “Germany’s Next Top Model” Season 19, Heidi Klum reveals surprising details from her private life. Who would have thought that the world star was a roofer?

the essentials in brief

GNTM candidate Alexandra is tired of the old clichés. She wants to show that at GNTM 2024. The 21-year-old brings together two interests that many people consider to be opposites. As an aspiring roofer, Alexandra is connected to the craft and the Erfurt resident also wants to become a model.

Contestant Alexandra has a “personal relationship with roofs”

Alexandra (center) is taking part in “Germany’s Next Top Model” 2024. © ProSieben / Richard Hübner

When Alexandra’s first encounter with Heidi Klum in episode 1 of “Germany’s Next Top Model” season 19, the topic met with open ears. The top model wants more about him Craft profession know the candidate.

“Why did you end up on the roof?” asks Heidi. “I have such a personal relationship with roofs,” explains Alexandra, “simply because I grew up in an attic apartment.”

It sounds stupid, but I just love it.

Alexandra about attics

Heidi as a craftswoman at lofty heights

Heidi can understand the fascination. “I’ve had one too Roof covered,” she says. Then the world star describes the individual work steps, while candidate Alexandra nods in confirmation. Onomatopoeic and full of enthusiasm, Heidi Klum demonstrates how she once did roofing felt stapled. “And then they came Tiles on top, Roof tiles“, she remembers. “Yes, I’ve done it before.”

The GNTM boss sees the roofing trade as having a connection to the challenges of the modeling business. “But then you obviously wouldn’t be afraid of heights?” Heidi Klum wants to know. Alexandra wholeheartedly agrees: “I like being on top.”

Is there a height shoot in season 19?

Has Heidi Klum already revealed with this conversation that there will be another high-altitude shoot in the 19th season? You’ll always find out in the further episodes of “Germany’s Next Top Model” 2024 Thursdays, 8:15 p.m., on ProSieben and in the live stream on Joyn.

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