Videos of Quetzales, a female and a male, bathing in a river in San Marcos, February 2024 – 2024-02-17 13:07:23

by times news cr

2024-02-17 13:07:23

The Quetzal, our national bird and national symbol, never ceases to amaze us. Recently a male Quetzal and a female Quetzal were captured bathing in a river in San Marcos. We share the video with you!

Videos of a female Quetzal and a male Quetzal bathing in a river

The videos of the Quetzales bathing individually in a river in the Quetzal Refuge, San Marcos, were shared on the social networks of the National Council of Protected Areas (Conap).

This is not the first time a video has been captured of a male Quetzal diving into the water for a bath.

Description of the photo for the visually impaired: screenshot of the video shared on social networks. (Credit: CONAP)

And on this occasion, in addition to seeing a similar scenario, you can also see a female Quetzal briefly submerge into the water. Both moments took place separately and were compiled in the same video:

The videos of the dips were captured on Thursday, February 15 by resource guard Robin Calderón who “with joy and pride highlights that it is a blessing to carry out his activities daily at the Quetzal Refuge and that it contributes to the conservation of one of the most beautiful birds.” in the world,” according to Conap in the publication.

Quetzal season in Guatemala

The best season to observe Quetzales is from February to May, in these months the bird is in its reproductive season and moves to lower lands.

According to information from Conap, the Quetzal can be found in the Sierra de las Minas and its surroundings, the volcanic chain and some small forests in Huehuetenango, San Marcos and Sololá.

Description of the photo for the visually impaired: a Quetzal resting on a branch. (Credit. Refugio Del Quetzal, San Rafael Pie de la Cuesta, SM)

Lito, the Quetzalito, answers your questions

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