What saint is celebrated today, Friday, February 16?

by time news

February 16, 2024 – 08:00

The Catholic saints remember the figure of Saint Macario, a shepherd who spent much of his life in the Esqueta desert.

It is Friday February 16 he catholic saints celebrates the figure of Saint Macarius, a pastor who dedicated part of his life to prayer, penance and making mats. He faced a complaint of sexual abuse, which is why he was dragged and beaten. Some time later the alleged victim confirmed that his accusation was false.

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Saint Macarius was born in the city of Egypt in the year 390, After overcoming this accusation he took refuge in the Esqueta desert, at the age of 30.

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It is worth mentioning that on this same day the name day of Saint Maruta, Blessed Filipa Mareri, Blessed José Allamano, Blessed Nicolás Paglia, among others, is commemorated.

Christianity, religion


Who was Saint Macarius?

Saint Macarius was a shepherd who was born in the year 390, in the city of EgyptFrom a young age he dedicated himself to prayer, penance and making mats, until he was accused of sexual abuse, for which he was dragged and beaten.

After his conviction, the woman who accused him revealed the real name of the man who was with her.

At the age of 30 he decided to take refuge in the Esqueta desert, a place where he spent much of his life. There he helped spread the word of God.

An Egyptian bishop ordered Macarius to receive priestly ordination so that he could celebrate the divine mysteries for his hermits. Later, when the hermits multiplied, four churches were built, attended by as many priests.

Austere and of few words, Saint Macarius recommended silence and retreat as spiritual practices at all times. At the age of 90 he died leaving great teachings to his disciples.

Saints for the Catholic Church

He Catholic saints are the group of people recognized by the Church as saints or blessed on a specific date. Saints are men and women who stood out in various religious traditions for their relationships with the divinities. Consideration of blessedness constitutes the third step on the path to canonization.

Other saints celebrated on February 16

  • San Maruta
  • Blessed Filipa Mareri
  • Blessed Joseph Allamano
  • Blessed Nicolás Paglia
  • Saint Juliana Nicodemia

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