Mines: The wonders of the SMB-WINING Consortium which is revolutionizing and modernizing mining activity in Guinea 2024-02-18 21:23:43

by time news

At the end of its visit, the first authority of the Boké region said it was satisfied with the efforts made by the Boké mining company which has undertaken projects aimed at to boost the development of impacted localities, reports our regional correspondent.

The governor of Boké says he is impressed by the quality of the infrastructure, including that of the railway line.

The human resources department (HRD) of the SMB-Winning consortium also made good announcements aimed at respecting Local Content, improving the living and working conditions of its employees as well as Communication both inside and outside the company.

This discovery mission allowed the governor and his entourage to inquire about the realities in the company of those responsible for the Consortium attached to the protection of the environment, peace and quiet social.

Community projects:

In turn, the representatives of the consortium listed to their hosts the community development projects and the main activities carried out by their respective departments in favor of local populations.

It is important to remember that during the year 2023, the SMB-Wining Consortium implemented three (03) projects which enabled the support of 1.38 villages for the first phase, 34 others for the second phase and 17 villages for the third phase, according to Abdoulaye Conté, HSSEC manager (Hygiene, Health, Safety, Environment and community.

And further, he added that the SMB-Wining Consortium also invested in the reprofiling of rural roads and community roads in several villages, made donations of tables, benches and office equipment, the renovation of schools, construction of sheds, construction of fifteen (15) domestic improved wells, distribution of oxen and sheep on the eve of religious festivals, installation of barbed wire s along the railway, the development of agricultural plains, the installation of culverts along the railway line to protect animals.

Crossing works:

When he got off the train, the governor said he was impressed by the quality of the infrastructure and crossing works of the SMB.

And better, along the Dapilon-Santou railway, there is a tunnel 2km 800m apart and two (02) bridges made from stick markers. The first is 900m long and 32m high. While the second tunnel extends 1km by 800m, according to the general director of the environmental health and safety department of the SMB-WINING Consortium, Mélaine Wassy Gbatoma.

The particularity of the Santou Mine:

The head of the exploitation department, Sékou Mady Dramé, said that the Santou Mine has an area of ​​261km2 distributed between blocks X and E in the exploitation phase through an exploitation method with the latest generation of Vermeer machines and other appropriate equipment to ensure work is carried out according to the rules of the art.

In Santou, the bauxite is transported by trucks guided by flagmans using flags, from the Mine to the station and then to the loading platform.

What to remember from the Consortium’s mineral train?

The SMB-WINING Consortium’s mineral train has 100 wagons, each of which has a maximum capacity of 80 tonnes.

Employee situation:

According to Mohamed Thomas Lucas Camara DRH (Human Resources Director) of the SMB-WINING Consortium, the Santou Mine has a total workforce of 1,744 Guinean employees compared to 260 expatriate (Chinese) employees who, in the same way , benefit from the same health care.

Speaking of the 37 advantages granted to SMB workers, Mr. Camara mentioned the Guineaization of the company which, according to him, is at 95.28% because of the appointment of several young people Guineans in positions of responsibility.

The novelty of this excursion is that all expatriate and national employees are housed together at the SMB-WINING Santou Consortium living base.

The Santou Life Base, according to Alimou Diaby of the stewardship, has 34 buildings powered by solar panels for a capacity of 1,800 places.

In addition to these buildings housing 1,200 employees, specifies Mr. Diaby, there is a Mosque where a group of young people are learning the Holy Koran, a Church, an infirmary, a professional training room for employees and a gymnasium.

Environmental Protection :

A policy is put in place to respect environmental and social standards. The SMB-Wining Consortium has installed 50 hidden cameras in the peripheral areas of its mining sites for the protection of fauna and flora, declare officials from the Hygiene and Health departments. ©, safety and environment (HSSE).

What the governor said:

“The SMB-Winning Consortium is revolutionizing and modernizing mining in the Boké region through an unparalleled feat… …

Mamadou Camara said he was very impressed with the quality of the infrastructure and crossing structures on the mining site of the SMB-WINING Consortium.

He also encouraged the security forces who, with professionalism, dedication and determination, protect the employees and installations of the SMB.

These modern infrastructures, said the Governor of Boké, can be described as marvels without risk of being mistaken.

Mamadouba Camara

2024-02-18 21:23:43

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