Angela Gerekou: “I’m returning to the theater after 26 years – It’s a magical place”

by time news

The actress and president of EOT sat on the couch of “Smile Again” and talked about her life.

Angela Gerekou stars in the show Last Moons at the Coronet Theater and talked about it.

“The show I’m participating in deals with a social issue. He talks about the 3rd age, about our parents, the oldest people, the age that some people spend with great loneliness, with fear and when there are no strong loving relationships with family and children it is unbearable. Old age doesn’t have to be overwhelming. In the play, when the moment comes for the hero to go to the nursing home on his own initiative, on the last night he calls his wife, who “gone” at the age of 45 and did not experience old age. So his wife comes along, and you see a relationship unfold where she either ‘argues’ at him about his decision and tries to dissuade him because she thinks it will be too much for him, and his need to talk to her about making the decision unfolds the final one. The protagonist eventually went to the nursing home. A lot of people will relate to that, and there are people who don’t love their parents enough to keep them around,” he initially said.

“I’ve been to nursing homes and talked to a lot of people. Everyone has their own story and in their eyes there is a sadness that makes you wish things were different and that the person was with his family. you leave the show having appreciated youth, but also having a desire to do things that you take for granted, for example hugging your grandparent. I’ve said the “I love yous” that I should. Actions are important but the word upon hearing it has a vibration that fills you with joy. I didn’t say much about it with my parents, but I tried to make up for it. The same is needed in all our human relationships as the strongest legacy we can have. This means, “I love you”, lots of hugs, acts of love and forgiveness”, he added.

Among others, Angela Gerekou referred to her daughter.
“My daughter is 22 years old and studies theater. She passed her exams this year. He was studying elsewhere and this year he decided to work in theater. From a very young age she had shown that she loves this way of expression. She had attended a theater workshop since she was a child, and I believe that a child can develop his skills through theatrical play. We did it for psycho-pedagogical reasons, but she loved it a lot and was also involved in school. I told her to study something else, like me who studied Architecture. I see that it is “there”. he will study it he will practice and it is difficult to do theater. But at the same time it is also magical. It would be nice to play together sometime in the theater. I have been doing theater for 26 years. I have not given as much to the theater as I would like. My daughter is seeing me for the first time in the theater. My daughter sees me as a politician, and when she saw me in scenes on TV she laughed. I was nervous at the premiere in the theater but everything went magically. The theater is a living organism”, underlined the actress and politician.

About “Gi tis Elia” and the role of Athena Nomikou, Angela Gerekou noted that, “the book put Athena in a difficult position and her mother understood it too”.

Finally, regarding the action of the EOT, he said: “Tourism for 2024 is expected to be very good. It looks like Greece is holding its ground. The Action Plan “Flowering Routes-Lefkadios Hern” is, where there is impressive flowering in Greece, these become locations – landmarks on a digital map so that everyone in the world knows where to find these places.”

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