Examples of the Theory of Relativity in Daily Life

by time news

2024-02-19 07:41:11

seem Albert Einstein Formulating his theory of relativity in 1905 to explain the behavior of objects in space and time, this pioneering work could be used to predict things such as the existence of black holes, the bending of light due to gravity, and the behavior of planets in their orbits.

Principles of the theory of relativity

Absence of an absolute frame of reference: There is no “absolute” frame of reference. Every time you measure an object’s speed, momentum, or how it passes through time, it is always in relation to something else.

The speed of light is constant: The speed of light is the same no matter who measures it or how fast it goes.

Nothing can exceed light: Nothing can move faster than the speed of light.

Now, how can we observe the effect of the theory of relativity in our daily lives? There are 8 methods for this observation, which we will review together.


Electromagnetism is also based on relativity. When an electric current flows through a wire, electrons move in the material. When another wire with a current is placed side by side, a pull or push occurs between them depending on the direction of the current. This shows that there is no distinct frame of reference.

Global Positioning System

The effect of relative time deviation appears in automotive GPS devices, where satellites must take into account the effects of relativity while sending signals to determine precise positions.

Gold color

The color of gold is explained by the theory of relativity, where the effects of relativity affect the movement of electrons in gold, resulting in a change in the colors it absorbs and reflects.

Gold resistance to corrosion

Relativity effects also explain why gold is resistant to corrosion, as the outermost electron is closer to the nucleus, making it less susceptible to chemical reactions.

Liquid mercury

Mercury is a liquid due to relativistic effects, where mercury’s bonds are weak due to rapidly moving electrons and increased relative mass.

Old TV

Early television screens were based on cathode ray tubes, and had to take into account the effects of relativity when designing the magnets.

the light

The theory of relativity requires a fixed frame of reference for the phenomenon of light to occur, where changes in the electromagnetic field must move at a specific speed rather than instantaneously.

the sun

If Einstein’s most famous equation (E = mc^2) did not exist, the Sun and other stars would not shine and fall on our Earth. Hydrogen turns into helium in the Sun’s core thanks to the conversion of mass into energy, the mechanism that causes light.

Ultimately, these vivid examples show how the theory of relativity can be present in our daily lives and influence many aspects of the technology and natural phenomena on which we depend.

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#Theory #Relativity #Daily #Lives #Ways #Observe

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