Ioannis Pappas: Our goal is to present a coherent policy for our islands – 2024-02-21 00:01:50

by times news cr

2024-02-21 00:01:50

The protection of the marine environment and the improvement of the governance of the operators of the maritime economy

At the 2nd Stakeholder Conference on Sustainable “Blue Economy” which is co-organised by the Ministry of Shipping and Islands Policy together with the Intergovernmental Organization “Union for the Mediterranean” and the General Directorate of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the European Commission, the Deputy Minister of Shipping and Insular Policy, Mr. Ioannis Pappas, spoke.

During his speech, the Deputy Minister of Shipping and Island Policy emphasized the importance of the Conference as well as the Declaration on the Sustainable “Blue Economy” stating that “The model of the sustainable and sustainable approach in the sectors of the “Blue Economy” can be the dominant sustainability model for the Greek islands as well. For Greece, the sectors of its economy related to the maritime economy and coastal tourism exceed 25% of the country’s GDP”. Making special reference to insularity, Mr. Pappas noted characteristically: “The Greek government and the Ministry of Shipping and Insular Policy, dare and adopt a modern institutional framework for the implementation of an Integrated Maritime Policy in the insular area. This framework is structured in the tripartite Maritime Economy – Insularity – Blue Development”. Continuing, the Deputy Minister of Shipping and Insular Policy referred to the challenges facing the islands and islanders, such as seamless maritime transport and the management of marine resources, “which require strategies that strengthen the sustainable development and resilience of our islands” as he characteristically stated . He added “The concepts of resilience and sustainability that are key to the present and future of our islands and coastal areas should guide the two days of the Conference, engaging discussions and evidence-based presentations.”

Here is Mr. Pappa’s full speech:

“Let me wish you a good and productive week and welcome you in turn to Athens, the capital of Greece and the welcoming space of the Eugenides Foundation. The Mediterranean Sea, the “sea within and towards us” for the ancient Greeks, the “Mare Nostrum” of the great Roman Empire is not just one big sea.

It is the geographical space where the most glorious civilizations of antiquity developed, the greatest religions in the history of mankind were created, peoples with different language, religion and culture met and coexisted. It is the area that is at the forefront of history and has been crossed by ships for thousands of years.

The Mediterranean Sea is our common home.

The 2nd Conference of Stakeholders in the Sustainable “Blue Economy”, which is co-organised by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Islands Policy together with the Intergovernmental Organization “Union for the Mediterranean” and the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the European Commission is a great moment.

A moment of collaboration, exchange of views and best practices to take care of our common home and evolve for the better. Our goal is to highlight the importance and criticality of the “Blue Economy” and Insularity.

Insularity in particular is a concept that is difficult for someone from Central or Northern Europe to understand.

And yet 15% of the Greek territory concerns island areas, while 18% of the Greek population lives in them.

Greece’s position in the Mediterranean, as well as the constant pursuit of strong regional partnerships, through the principles and values ​​of European integration, define our vision.

Greece and the Ministry of Shipping and Insular Policy, in the context of the signing of the Declaration on the Sustainable “Blue Economy”, highlighted something more even more emphatically:

that the model of the sustainable and sustainable approach in the sectors of the “Blue Economy” can be the dominant model of sustainability for the Greek islands as well. For Greece, the sectors of its economy related to the maritime economy and coastal tourism exceed 25% of the country’s GDP.

The Greek Government and the Ministry of Shipping and Island Policy, dare and adopt a modern institutional framework for the implementation of an Integrated Maritime Policy in the island area. This framework is structured in the tripartite Marine Economy – Insularity – Blue Development.

The challenges facing our islands and islanders, such as seamless maritime transport and marine resource management, require strategies that enhance the sustainable development and resilience of our islands.

The concepts of resilience and sustainability that are key to the present and future of our islands and coastal areas should guide the two days of the Conference, the engaging discussions and the informed presentations.

For us, the Declaration on the Sustainable “Blue Economy”, from 2021 onwards, has been an important milestone and dare I say “inspiration”.

Our aim is to be able to present a coherent policy for our islands, but also to relate certain critical policies for the protection of the marine environment, the improvement of the governance of the operators of the maritime economy, emphasizing the creation of specialized financial tools using national and European resources.

In cooperation with the European Commission and other national authorities, we are utilizing the resources of the Sea and Fisheries Fund and for the first time we are investing in the creation of the National Register of Maritime Economy Bodies, but also in the creation of a special institutional strengthening program for bodies related to the National Strategy on Maritime Policy and Islands. At the same time, we ensure the creation of appropriate conditions so that the ecosystem of the “Blue Economy” is based on a healthy entrepreneurship with an emphasis on innovation, technology and regional specialization, in cooperation with the Regions, the Universities, and also our institutional partners. The message of the Conference, which we are hosting for 2 days in Greece, we want to be that cooperation and the continuous pursuit of productive partnerships are the cornerstone of our joint effort, the one we all agreed on in 2021 and which by 2025 we must have promotes even more.

Once again, as hosts, we welcome you to Athens. At this point I would like to thank our co-organizers: the Union for the Mediterranean, the European Commission and in particular DG MARE, the Jordanian co-presidency and of course the officials of our Ministry who from the first moment embraced this effort. Thank you”.

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