Harsh response of “Radio Arvyla” to SKAI: “The culprits are disturbed”

by time news

The “war” between “Radio Arbyla” and SKAI is raging. After the station’s response to what happened in yesterday’s show, “Radio Arvyla” came back with a new response.

The “war” of announcements, between SKY and “False rumor“, goes on. On the occasion of what were said in yesterday’s show about the journalist, Ari Portosaltebut also the legal dispute between SKAI and Antonis Kanakis, “Radio Arvyla” responded to the station’s announcement.

Antonis Kanakis had mentioned, among other things, that “SKAI may not be doing well with the substance of Justice but I can guarantee you that it is doing very well with the operation of Justice».

Follow announcement of the station which stated that “we are sorry Mr. Kanakis we know how justice works and we upset you. You can continue to make bile. Goodbye and good health».

Detailed announcement of “Radio Arvyla”

“???????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????? ???????? ????????????????????????, ???????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????? ???? ???????????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????? ????????????????????”

Today, SKAI decided that it had to issue a “reply” statement to everything that was said yesterday on Radio Arvyla regarding the satirical song by Panos Vlachos.

We thank him, since his announcement confirmed with impressive accuracy all our words:

– They did not answer anything of substance, neither about freedom of speech, nor about the specific journalists who have betrayed the most basic journalistic principles, nor about propaganda and how they artfully distort the truth, nor about the use of distortion and legal threats as a means of controlling opposing views.

– It was not stated at any point in their announcement that justice is independent and must function independently.

-And finally, following the propaganda methods, in which they are admittedly experts, they arbitrarily moved the issue to something completely but completely unrelated, specifically to the legal dispute between our company and SKAI, which was decided in their favor at first instance and only, so far.

At the same time, of course, they try to create impressions and provoke the public feeling, “throwing” sums that we claim even though we did not work on them, while the truth is that our demand concerns production costs and damages that, in our view, the illegal termination of the then contracts from their side, they invited us to our company.

And in fact (here we laugh), they also use in their announcement the hard-working people who fight every day for their dignified living and for whom, as is known, SKAI particularly cares.

The quintessence of populism.

So again thanks for the announcement and please don’t stop because every time you talk you make our job easier.

False rumor

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