Ecuadorian banana exports diverted to the Middle East and Central Asia due to impasse with Russia – 2024-02-21 20:20:45

by times news cr

2024-02-21 20:20:45


Ecuadorian banana exports have found new destinations in the Middle East and Central Asia after five Ecuadorian banana companies were sanctioned by the Russian Government on February 5. The measure has forced shipments to be diverted to countries such as Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Iraq.

Richard Salazar, director of the Banana Marketing and Export Association (Acorbanec), confirmed that although the sector has managed to place part of the fruit in these alternative markets, none can replace all of the exports it made to Russia. In 2023, Ecuador shipped 75 million boxes of bananas to Russia, representing 21% of total banana shipments to the world.

The Foreign Ministry of Ecuador has announced a diplomatic mission to Russia in the coming days to address the impasse and seek a prompt solution to the phytosanitary conflict that led to the suspension of Ecuadorian companies. According to Agrocalidad, the alleged presence of the humpback fly in banana containers does not constitute an agricultural pest of bananas, and compliance with the phytosanitary protocol has been ratified.

Salazar expressed the union’s concern about the sanction, considering it exaggerated and unprecedented in the 25 years of commercial relations between Ecuador and Russia. Additionally, he highlighted the importance of long-term contracts with Russia, which provide stability and predictability to the sector. Russian authorities are expected to visit Ecuador to verify compliance with the phytosanitary protocol, meanwhile, inspections in the sanctioned companies are reinforced with the corresponding technical support. The resolution of the conflict is anticipated as a priority for both parties, given the significant economic impact it implies for the Ecuadorian banana sector and the stability of international banana trade.

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