Bangou: 58th edition of the youth festival – demonstrations relocated due to altercations – 2024-02-22 22:13:43

by times news cr

2024-02-22 22:13:43

In the background of this imbroglio, the representativeness of the two clans fighting for control of the Bangou Superior Chiefdom has been at half mast for several years.

Planned like every year at the esplanade of the Bangou Superior Chefferie, the celebration of the 58th edition of the youth festival, placed under the theme: “Youth, import substitution and economic patriotism for the progress of Cameroon”, almost degenerated into a physical confrontation between the supporters of the two pretenders to the throne. All of which forced the authorities to relocate the demonstration which ultimately took place at the Tchela public school.

It is obvious that during official ceremonies, the effective presence of traditional and customary authorities is required. It is in this perspective that, during the celebration of the 58th youth festival, two clans vying for the throne in Bangou will storm the esplanade of the Superior Chiefdom, the usual place of ceremony for some of them. numerous localities in the district of Bangou.

These include supporters of Ngambou Kemayou Maurice; and those of Tchinou Tayo, son of the last “ regent » Tayo Marcel, whose death had brought the problem of legitimacy within the said Chiefdom back into the spotlight.

To get to the point, the two clans met at the ceremony location, each with a seat for its leader. Hostilities began when Tchinou’s supporters, who arrived first on the scene, ordered, with the approval of some organizers, the opposing camp, that of Ngambou, to immediately remove its seat from the official platform. Anything that rings in their ears like an act of contempt and distrust. The categorical refusal of the latter will lead to an imbroglio like no other.

Faced with this standoff which could have degenerated into a pitched battle, the hierarchy, informed, thwarted the worst at the last minute, by asking collaborators on the ground to relocate the parade to the Tchela public school adjoining the esplanade of the Chiefdom.

After more than two hours behind the allotted time, the ceremony, which was supposed to start at 10 a.m., will finally take off, but not without causing cold sweats and hot throats. However, all’s well that ends well, one might say. The parade certainly took place, but with the aftertaste of a desolate spectacle for the youth, the spearhead of the nation; worry and frustration on both sides.

It should be noted that the notables of the so-called legitimacy camp favorable to Ngambou Maurice did not take part in the relocated parades, thus signifying their indignation and their fed up.

Consequence of the “politics of rot”

Everything could have gone off without a hitch as in the past despite the presence of two royal chairs in the official gallery. It is also not superfluous to recall that in previous years, the two contenders, although always absent, were always represented through their seats, placed in a good place in the box, without this moving anyone.

This year, Tchinou’s supporters who seem to have gained momentum, with some complicity within the administration, have decided otherwise. But beyond the facts, the incident of this Sunday, February 11, 2024, which could have degenerated into a bloody brawl, brings to the surface the problem of the Bangou chiefdom which has been vacant for more than 6 years.

The inertia of the Cameroonian administration, which until now has remained impassive, leads us to fear the worst. The problem of the Bangou Chiefdom, to say the least, is a volcano that can spit fire at any time; a time bomb that must be defused as quickly as possible, at the risk of an explosion likely to endanger peace. A peace already so precarious Continent ».

A few years ago, the Prime Minister Head of Government had nevertheless instructed a statutory commission to which he assigned the task of going into the field in order to collect the opinions of the protagonists and living witnesses, as well as any other expertise on the Bangou question. Anything which had the aim of finding a definitive solution to internal quarrels and installing the legitimate Leader.

If this commission ever saw the light of day, the expected result is still expected by the average citizen. Who simply thinks that the administration has opted for the policy of decay which, according to Professor Owona Nguini, would consist of letting the two camps fight until one of them is exhausted.

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