“I was a bad mother”, Alessia Pifferi in conversations with the expert

by time news

Era capable of understanding and wanting Alessia Pifferi, the 38-year-old who in July 2022 left her daughter Diana, who was less than a year and a half old, to die of starvation, abandoning her alone at home for six days. This was established by the psychiatric report signed by the forensic psychiatrist Elvezio Pirfo, filed today and ordered by the Court of Assizes of Milan in the trial for aggravated voluntary homicide.

The problem is that my mind has turned off, it has really detached itself from the role of mother“. Thus Alessia Pifferi, in one of the numerous interviews in the context of the psychiatric report filed today, attempted to explain her behavior, that is, having left her daughter Diana, less than 18 months old, who died, alone in the house for six days. from hunger and thirst.”Today I feel like a bad mother“, she says again, answering the questions of the expert and the party’s consultants. Her mind had turned off, as we read in the conversations reported in the report, “when I was in the company” of her partner, with whom she had been in those days without to return home to the little girl. Her “need” was to “look for a partner who would act as my husband, as a father for Diana and as a father for me too”.

He said he understood he had “a psychological block” during the talks with the San Vittore psychologists. And again: “I would describe myself as an unstable person.” What happened, says the 38-year-old, “she will never abandon me, I often think about it, yes, that I feel like a bad mother (…) pain, a lot of pain, a lot of anger towards myself”.

The lawyer Alessia Pontenani, this morning, after filing the appraisal, went to San Vittore to speak with the woman. Who, it was reported, cried her eyes out: “With this expertise – he commented – it is a safe life sentence. But I trust in the Court of Assizes. I believe that the climate is now spoiled by the fact that the prosecutor investigated me and the psychologists, which has intimidated everyone.”

“I am not a murderer and I never wanted to harm my daughter. I have always been sincere. I want the truth to come out”said Alessia Pifferi during the interview with her defender, accused, together with two prison psychologists, of forgery for a report certifying the woman’s mental deficiency.

“At the time of the facts she protected her desires as a woman with respect to her duties of maternal care towards little Diana and also adopted ‘an intelligence of conduct’ given the different reasons for her choices given to different people”. The expert Elvezio Pirfo writes this in the psychiatric report on Alessia Pifferi, explaining that the woman, who let her daughter die, has no “major psychiatric disorders” nor “serious personality disorders”. Conclusions in line with what was supported by the Milan prosecutor Francesco De Tommasi and his consultant. The 38-year-old faces a life sentence.

“This report confirms what I have always maintained, that not only have I never noticed anything, but above all that Alessia has never had any mental disorder”. Thus Viviana Pifferi, Alessia’s sister, commented, as reported by her civil lawyer Emanuele De Mitri, on the psychiatric report filed today.
Obviously, as clarified by the lawyer, who also represents Alessia’s mother, Diana’s grandmother, Viviana “is not happy with this outcome, in the sense that she is not happy about this affair at all, but we have always maintained that there was no psychiatric disorder”. And, added the lawyer, “now our beliefs have a scientific basis: an expert opinion that leaves no room for dispute”. A work from which it also emerges that, adds the lawyer, “there were attempts to confuse the defendant’s ideas”. The reference is to the work of the prison psychologists who, according to prosecutor Francesco De Tommasi, attempted to “manipulate” the 38-year-old.

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