Javier Milei, between the adjustment and the preparations for his speech in Congress | He will speak on Friday at 9 p.m. – 2024-02-29 14:51:39

by times news cr

2024-02-29 14:51:39

Milei admitted that he plans to govern by decree

President Javier Milei He said that “as long as Congress has its current composition” it will be “difficult to approve the reforms” proposed by his Government, so He announced that he plans to move forward with decrees to consolidate his adjustment.

In an interview he gave to the British media Financial Times, Milei stated that after the failed debate on the Omnibus Law project it was clear that “politicians have no problem harming the interests of Argentines to maintain their privileges.” ““As long as Congress has its current composition, we believe it is difficult to approve reforms.”expressed the president and ruled that “There are other reforms that we can make by decree.”

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Adorni confirmed that the Government will appeal the ruling in favor of Chubut

The presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni, said that the Government “is analyzing different tools to proceed with the appeal” of the court ruling that days ago ordered the Nation to cease cutting co-participating funds to the province of Chubut.

Adorni, in a press conference at Casa Rosada, indicated that during February the national government sent, as co-shareable funds, just under 22,000 million pesos to Chubut, a province that, he criticized, organized 25 popular festivals in that same period.

Uocra marches to Labor to reject 300 dismissals and suspensions

The personnel grouped in the Buenos Aires section of the Construction Workers’ Union (Uocra) will mobilize today towards the Ministry of Labor in rejection of 300 layoffs in the Dycasa company and “the suspensions and the loss of thousands of jobs as a consequence of the paralysis of public works,” the union reported.

The union leadership, led at the national level by the Secretary of International Relations of the CGT, Gerardo Martínez, confirmed that the mobilization will take place from 9:30 a.m. to the annex of the Ministry of Labor on 100 Callao Avenue, where the union operates. National Directorate of Labor Relations and Regulations.

Retirements: new minimum and maximum for salaries made official starting in March

The National Government today made official the minimum and maximum amounts of retirement benefits that will apply as of March, which were established at $134,445.30 and $904,689.54 respectively.

This results from applying the 27.18% increase granted by the Executive Branch, an increase to which will be added the payment of a $70,000 financial aid bonus, in accordance with what was announced.

“It is established that the minimum guaranteed asset in force as of March 2024, provided in accordance with the provisions of article 8 of Law No. 26,417, will be $134,445.30,” indicates article 1 of Resolution 39/ 2024 of the National Social Security Administration.

Meanwhile, the second article states that “the maximum asset in force as of March 2024, arranged in accordance with the provisions of article 9 of Law No. 26,417, will be $904,689.54.”

Feminist assembly called to march on 8M to denounce the food and housing crisis

The feminist assembly towards 8M concluded last night that the march on March 8, in commemoration of International Women’s Day, will take place, among other slogans, to denounce “the serious food and housing crisis that we are going through,” reported spokespersons for the organization.

“With massive participation,” the meeting was held for the purposes of organizing the 8M mobilization, which will gather from 4 p.m. this Friday in front of the National Congress to march.

“I have no doubt that the next march will be one of the largest of the feminist movement in Argentina,” said Luci Cavallero, members of the NiUnaMenos Organizing Board.

Milei stays in Olivos to prepare his speech before the Legislative Assembly

President Javier Milei will carry out his activity today from the Olivos residence where he will dedicate himself to finalizing details of the speech he will deliver tomorrow night before the Legislative Assembly that will inaugurate the period of ordinary sessions of Congress.

Although in principle the official agenda indicated that Milei would lead a Cabinet meeting at the Government House at 8:30, the president himself confirmed that he will stay during the day in Olivos preparing tomorrow’s message.

“Today President @JMilei will work at Quinta de Olivos in the presidential speech that he will give tomorrow, Friday, from Congress. He will speak from a lectern instead of sitting in the presidency. Javier Milei,” journalist Liliana Franco published on that network, to to which the President responded: “YES”.

Weretilneck warned that if the Government does not call for dialogue “it is a possibility” that DNU will be repealed

The governor of Rio Negro, Alberto Weretilneck, insisted on the need to “build consensus” between the national government and the provinces, and warned that if there is no call from the Executive Branch to dialogue, “it is a very serious possibility that the DNU in the Senate”.

“There is a decision in the national government not to negotiate, not to be open to another point of view, that leads to the paralysis we have today,” said Weretilneck in an interview for the TN television channel.

In that sense, when asked about the expectations of the speech that President Javier Milei will give on Friday in the Legislative Assembly, he indicated: “We governors expect a call for dialogue.”

Milei’s meeting with libertarian deputies

The Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, said that President Javier Milei “encouraged” the ruling bloc to work together with the PRO in Deputies.

“The President analyzed the treatment of the law (Bases) with the LLA deputies and encouraged them to work together with the PRO bloc,” said Francos.

The legislators consulted clarified that the President avoided referring to the content of his speech before the Assembly, while an influential deputy relativized the possibility of forming an interbloc with the PRO, although they highlighted the “understanding” that was given during the extraordinary elections and that, they aspire , be repeated during the regular period of sessions.

The Bicameral meets today and establishes a scheme to analyze Milei’s DNU 70/2023

The Bicameral Commission for Legislative Treatment, which must deal with the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) of deregulation of the economy dictated by President Javier Milei, will meet today to define the work scheme to analyze the rule and the possible call to officials of the national government.

The hearing of the Bicameral, chaired by the libertarian Juan Carlos Pagotto, is convened for 2 p.m. in the Arturo Illia Room of the Senate of the Nation, in the Legislative Palace.

Senators Víctor Zimmerman (UCR) and Carlos Espínola (Federal Union) and deputy Francisco Monti (UCR) requested that Executive officials be summoned to give details of the rule, something that would be defined in today’s meeting.

Milei heads a Cabinet meeting, the day before his speech before the Legislative Assembly

President Javier Milei will once again lead a Cabinet meeting today, the day before the Legislative Assembly that will inaugurate the regular session of the National Congress.

Milei’s meeting with his ministers is scheduled for 8:30, in the Eva Perón Room of the Casa Rosada. At 11, the presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni, will offer his usual press conference.

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