Ukraine’s Unprecedented Use of Drones and Naval Warfare Tactics: A Game Changer in the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

by time news

2024-03-02 07:14:29

The Russia-Ukraine war is unusual not only for being the first war on European soil since World War II, but also for the scope of the stray weapons used in it. If in the past the field was focused on aerial roving weapons, now Ukraine operates armed cars on a remote control, and most prominent of all: unmanned vessels – like drones.

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These caused unprecedented damage to Russia’s Black Sea Fleet, ranging from damaging strategic ships through causing damage to the bridge to coastal targets of the Black Sea Fleet. “The enemy immediately began to understand the threat of the UAVs and respond, but we are still a few steps ahead of them,” Brigadier General Ivan Lukashevich, who commands a Ukrainian UAV unit, told Business Insider.

“The world’s first anti-submarine warfare fleet”, as Kyiv calls it, was launched in 2022 as a result of an immediate need: Ukraine and even everyone in the world understood that they had no chance in naval warfare against the Russian Black Sea Fleet. – Kyiv’s Naval Symmetry, they began to operate drones on an unprecedented scale. In fact, this is a creative and innovative solution in the scope of its operation alongside outdated means, such as sea mines. These measures were used, for example, by the army of Yugoslavia in World War II.

The Russians are not exactly concerned about the damage caused, since about a third of the Black Sea fleet was destroyed (more than 24 ships) whether by means of drones or by other means, but rather about Ukrainian technological progress in general: Kiev’s drones now carry more explosives (about -860 kg), and can move much longer distances of about 950 km. At the same time, these measures are assembled in more workshops and operated from different locations – which makes it difficult to monitor them.

The Soviets are the ones who caused the senior officials of the Ministry of Defense in Moscow to move the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet from the city of Sevastopol in the Crimean Peninsula to the strategic port city of Novorossiysk, which is located in the eastern Black Sea. This is a city with much critical infrastructure for the entire region, including, for example, the CPC oil pipeline from the city of Tangiz in western Kazakhstan.

From Novorossiysk port the oil is loaded onto tankers all over the world. According to S&P Global, between the months of July and September, Kazakhstan was Israel’s top oil supplier. Last month, it was learned from Baku data that in January Israel became Azerbaijan’s top oil customer with 523.5 thousand tons totaling approximately $296.947 million. Much more than European countries such as Italy, which imported 179.2 thousand tons, for a total of about 110.5 million dollars.

The naval capabilities of Iran and its affiliates

The Ukrainian use of anti-aircraft missiles is indeed unprecedented in its scope, but it is far from being so in its actual operation. Iran recognized the effectiveness of the tool as early as 2008, when it began to operate it. Already in the same year, the Houthi rebels attacked a Saudi frigate. Now, the technology from the manufacturer of Tehran for unmanned vessels at sea is much more advanced and also includes unmanned underwater vessels (UUV).

About two weeks ago, for the first time since the outbreak of the crisis in the Red Sea, the Houthis activated an unmanned underwater vessel and an unmanned vessel – in a combined attack with three cruise missiles. The very act of using the measures was not surprising, hence the concern regarding the naval capabilities of Iran and its affiliates.

The technological capabilities of the navy are now much more advanced than those of the Second Lebanon War, but the hit of Hezbollah’s C-802 missile against ships in Ahi Hanit is well remembered. In that incident on July 14, 2006, four navy fighters were killed. As unmanned aerial means produced Tehran came into the hands of Hezbollah, it is not impossible because the technology of the drones and the unmanned underwater vessels also reached them.

Therefore, an all-out war against Hezbollah may require greater sophistication not only in land maneuvering, but also in naval missions. This, even though the lethality and efficiency of the navy are much more significant than those of 2006. At the same time, Israeli military technology is several generations ahead of Iran.

This technological progress is also reflected in the field of UAVs. In December 2022, for example, in the international “Digital Horizon” exercise that took place in December 2022, a “Seagull” manufactured by Elbit took part. In the same exercise that took place in the Persian Gulf, right next to Iran, we tested A collaboration between 17 unmanned vessel manufacturers from around the world – under the auspices of the US Fifth Fleet whose mother base is located in the capital of Bahrain, Manama. “Sheaf” is a dedicated anti-ship anti-ship missile.

For ongoing security, Rafael produces the “Protector”, which is an unmanned boat for the protection and assistance of fighters. This UAV includes a high-pressure water cannon, as well as deadly tools such as the mini-typhoon. It is adapted for missions along beaches and harbors. Another company that has been dealing with the issue for quite a few years is the Aerospace Industry, which in 2014 unveiled the “Katana”, which is also intended for ongoing security Katana is supposed to respond, for example, to strategic maritime assets such as drilling rigs and oil pipelines.

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