Is the Fokida Chamber holding an event for Diagonio Street or a party event? – iparnassos

by time news

It is customary in events of a developmental nature, especially when they are implemented by an institution’s initiative, such as the Phocis Chamber of Commerce, for all sides, majority and minority, to be heard in terms of the political perception for the long-term sustainable development of a place.

The Chamber organizes or rather co-organizes an event on March 3 for the Bralos-Amfissa axis with Minister Mr. Bougas.

It is in the opinion of the leadership of the Chamber whether this event or others that will follow, are events with a local political (because everything is political) development sign or a party event, of the ND or part of the ND.

A project that will be implemented with national funding, for the first studies of which, others outside ND secured money from the PDE. This project was not included in the ND national government program in the 2019 elections.

So others, not the ND, systematically brought the issue to the Parliament, to the national and regional press, to the regional Councils of Central and Western Greece, defending the need to become the axis that will connect the two regions.

Finally, the integration of the project took place.
What development it will bring has to do with purely political issues, such as – just a few, for example:

– Will it connect aging areas or should this trend, like the trend of desertification in Phocis, be reversed?

– Will this new improved road support small local businesses and our farmers and ranchers, or will the purchasing power of our region turn to Lamia or Patras?

– Will we bring high added value investments to the region, when the indicators for these issues, research, innovation, are for the current Regional Authority, among the worst nationwide?
How will only the new road help, when the perceptions and speeds in the Regional Authority, perceptions of 1950, do not change?

– Will this road be the Diagonal, as we call it, the beginning of the end of intra-regional inequality in Sterea and the lifting of the blockade of mountainous areas in Phocis? But Malandrino Lidoriki street is not even eligible in the period 2021-2027. ..

– Will we have new logistics companies in our area and what does this entail, or will the Port of Itea with the dredging work function more as a Tourist Port, giving new opportunities to increase the length of stay in Fokida?

– Where is the position of the Municipality of Delphi or its Municipal Council, as majority and minority, in the March 3 debate on how a regional sustainable development program can be specialized??

– Will he say “third party” the position and concerns of the Municipal Council, because the current Municipal Authority is the “other part of the local N.D”? Is this an institutional process?

– The Region of Sterea, better, the majority of it, regarding the claim of the Bralos Amfissa Antirrio axis, was as absent, from the Bakoyannis-Spanou system, as the snows in August, what exactly, will you explain to us?

This investment is a benefit for our country.
And congratulations to both Mr. Tsakiris and Mr. Bouga for trying for this.

But we tried others too.
In difficult times of crisis. And when, unlike the ND, we did not forget the work in our national and regional program.

The Chamber is an institution.
It cannot be a crutch of any party or Minister.

And as an institution, it must also hold a public consultation, an event with #allviews. Because development, as I wrote above, is not a mechanical or only a technocratic process, it is extremely political.

As an institutional function, not as persons or friends and loved ones, the movements related to local development are judged by the Chambers. And clearly also with the institutional representation of the Municipality, other voices and perceptions in the Regional Council.

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