Preparations for a local action group for Aoos – 2024-03-04 04:31:17

by times news cr

2024-03-04 04:31:17

Editorial RoomCurrent Affairs

The need to create a local action group for Aoos, which will take initiatives in cooperation with other collectives and agencies to deal with situations that undermine its integrity, emerged as a conclusion from the open event entitled “Aoos – The role of citizens in the essential his protection”, co-organized by MedINA and the Municipality of Konitsa, on Thursday, February 29, in the event hall of Konitsa City Hall.

The event was framed by presentations by the invited speakers, who raised concerns, made proposals for the effective protection and management of the Aoos River and the surrounding area, shared their experiences and encouraged the participation of citizens in matters of river management and protection. They referred to the challenges that the Aoos and its tributaries have faced and continue to face, the struggles that have taken place to protect it and the gaps that still exist in shielding it against existing pressures and upcoming threats.
Among the speakers were the lawyer specialized in environmental issues Yiannis Papadimitriou, who referred to the legal tools that citizens and institutions have at their disposal to deal with environmental challenges, local active citizens, such as Nikos Kyritsis (No Limits) and Eleni Papamichail , representatives of local associations and movements, such as Pantazis Toufidis (“Ioannina Fishing Club” and “Wild Trout Protection – ASTRAIOS” Associations) and the partners of MedINA, the coordinator of local actions for the Aeo Dimitris Papageorgiou and the coordinator of the educational project ” Let it flow!” Theodora Lanaras. The president of Konitsa municipal council, Vassilis Spanos, addressed a greeting.
The event focused on informing and raising public awareness, inviting citizens to actively participate in the protection of the Aoos River and its tributaries, and culminated in a constructive discussion with all attendees, during which positions, interesting ideas and questions were heard.
Some of the issues that seemed to concern the citizens of Konitsa and the wider region are the pollution of the waters of the Aoos basin, the degradation of the river ecosystem from illegal fishing and water management practices, the development of the small hydroelectric projects in Saradaporo, Aoo, Voidomati and in their streams and the permitted or non-permitted activities within the protected areas. Many agreed that there is a distancing of the local communities from these issues and embraced the need to create a local action group for Aoos.
MedINA and the Municipality of Konitsa express their thanks to all the participants and citizens who contributed to the success of the event, stating that they will continue to support the efforts of active citizens to preserve and protect the Aoos.
The event was held in the framework of the Ri-Connect project, implemented by MedINA with funding from the Prespa Ohrid Nature Trust (PONT). The Ri-Connect project aims to preserve the free flow of the river and its tributaries, as a transboundary ecological corridor and development resource for local communities.

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