Event, Østersund | The roof has collapsed at a shopping center in Östersund – transporting Norwegian relief crews

by time news

(The online newspaper): The police in Östersund have received a report that a roof in Odenskog’s industrial area has fallen onto a shopping centre.

Swedish police write that there must be people inside and outside the property. It does not appear in the police report if anyone was injured.

SVT however, writes that several people have been taken to hospital in an ambulance.

– It is the roof that has partially collapsed. We are on the scene with a number of units and are searching, says Mikael Lundberg, chief on duty in the rescue service region Mittnorrland, to the channel.

Aftonbladet writes that SOS Alarm states that two people have been taken to hospital. Östersundsposten reports that three people have been injured.

– The roof of one of the shops collapsed. There must have been people in the store in question whom we managed to get out, and there must have been others who managed to get out themselves, says Lundberg to Aftonbladet.

The degree of damage is currently unknown, according to Swedish media.

The property is evacuated and the parking lot is freed so that the emergency services can work undisturbed, the police write.

– Intensive work is currently underway at the site. They are in the process of evacuating the property, says spokesperson for the police, Marie Andersson The evening paper.

According to Adressa.no are rescue teams from Trønder brought in by helicopter to assist in the rescue operation in Östersund. The main rescue center reports that the rescue helicopter from Ørland is en route together with a team from 110 Midt-Norge with the intention of contributing to search and rescue.

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