Javier Milei defines the call to governors for his “May Pact” | The President’s agenda – 2024-03-04 15:10:48

by times news cr

2024-03-04 15:10:48

Businesses, industries and SMEs, without energy subsidies

The Government reported that it will stop subsidizing electricity rates for businesses, industries and SMEs, limiting state assistance only to vulnerable sectors, within the framework of the presentation at the last public hearing of officials from the Ministry of Economy and the Secretariat. of Energy.

In the call for the area commanded by Eduardo Rodríguez Chirillo held last Thursday, February 29, official Salvador Gil explained that “the new scheme does not contain any type of subsidy for productive activities” since “it would not be compatible to subsidize energy and have released prices”. With this decision, it is estimated that the companies affected will be at least 100 thousand.

Adorni, the spokesperson for the advance against freedom of expression

The spokesperson argued that it is “the President’s wish” to close the public news agency and considered that “it has nothing to do with pluralism or freedom of the press.” He defended the major security operation at the headquarters and said that “this week the plan that the government is designing for the closure of Télam and the fate of each of the employees will be known.”

At the beginning of the press conference, Adorni had to listen to a statement from the journalists accredited at the Casa Rosada in support of the Télam workers. Then all the questions were directed to that topic.

Adorni argued that the closure of the agency “is neither more nor less than what the President had promised when he was campaigning” and maintained that Télam had losses of 20 billion pesos. “This has nothing to do with pluralism or with issues that have to do with freedom of the press,” he tried to defend himself when questioned by journalists.

On several occasions he simply stated that he did not have the details of the closure plan, neither about the fate of the workers nor about whether there will be a decree or law from Congress to advance what he described as “the President’s wish.” “The comprehensive plan will be known this week,” he repeated.

Deputy Manrique explained why he turned his back on Milei in Congress

Lawmakers remained in their seats Friday night, despite the insults and accusations leveled by President Javier Milei. But one of them, The national deputy Mario Manrique (Unión por la Patria) decided to turn his back on him. He did so from the moment Milei once again denied the figure of 30,000 missing.

“These are things that cannot be endorsed and discontent must be shown. I could have gotten up and left, but I decided to turn on my back. And I was not wrong because later he continued with permanent attacks, he put on a show worthy of Luna Park in the House of Representatives of the people,” Manrique explained.

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Caputo continues to gain power: he was in charge of all trust funds

The Executive Branch left in the hands of the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputohe control of around 50 trust funds in which the government participates national and with which finance projects and public works.

The provision that concentrates more power in the head of the Treasury Palace It was published in Decree 215/2024 published in the Official Gazette. He is designated “as trustor on behalf of the National State, in all trust funds integrated totally or partially with assets and/or funds of the National State, exercising in that capacity the direction and conduct of said trust funds.”

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Milei’s adjustment collapsed purchases of the basic basket

By Leandro Renou

The owners of large supermarkets are surprised. Most have never seen such a strong phenomenon in such a short time. What had already been manifesting itself in neighborhood businesses began to have a marked impact on hypermarkets.

In less than three months of management, The self-generated recession of Javier Milei’s government produced a collapse in the consumption of basic basket products which leaves two alarming data: the first, that the sale of units per ticket fell almost 20 percent, that is, those who put 10 products in the supermarket cart today reduced the purchase to 8. The second, meanwhile, is that between 42 and 45 percent of people pay for the purchase of food and beverages, no matter how low it may be, with a credit card, an indicator that reflects the desperate state not only of prices, but also of the purchasing power of salaries.

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Milei speeds up the negotiation times with the governors and wants a “pre-agreement”

By Melisa Molina

Milei called a summit in La Rosada to define the strategy against the provincial leaders. The idea is to receive them “by group” and begin to show support towards the Córdoba meeting, a task that will be difficult for her. Francos tried to tone down the presidential extortion and clarified that the prior approval of the omnibus law “is not a condition for the agreement.” Llaryora criticized the direction of the management.

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The Government moves forward with the closure of Télam: they fenced off the editorial office and disabled the website

Three days after the president Javier Miley will announce the closure of Télamin the speech he gave at the opening of the ordinary sessions of Congress, the government’s chainsaw advances on the public news agency. This morning the website was disabled and the building where the editorial office operates was fenced. But that’s not all: all workers were excused from their duties for a period of seven days and they cannot enter to carry out their tasks.

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