VIDEOStrong criticism of the President. Axel Kicillof rejected Javier Milei’s May Pact: “Just start if we don’t get there” The Buenos Aires governor said that having the will to transform Argentina does not imply “jumping into the abyss or experimenting with failed recipes”; “The adjustment only produces pain,” he indicated.

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The Buenos Aires governor Axel Kicillof opened the ordinary sessions in the province of Buenos Aires with strong criticism of President Javier Milei, whom he called a liar and an “extravagant experiment.” “He spent a lot of time during the campaign talking about how the caste was going to pay for the adjustment. The lie is in plain sight,” she indicated. “We don’t want any more adjustments or chainsaws,” warned the provincial leader. He recalled that the leader of La Libertad Avanza said that a different Argentina “could not be done with the same old ones. And he lied. [Luis] Toto Caputo, Sturzenegger, Bullrich, stable cast of the Macri government. Are these the new officials?“said Kicillof.

Regarding the call to the May Pact that Milei made to the governors (to sign in Córdoba), Kicillof rejected the invitation with irony: “Just start if we arrive,” the provincial leader warned in the final section of his speech in the Legislature.

“After subjecting the people, democracy and federalism to an aggression that is as unprecedented as it is savage, we are now being sent an invitation that looks more like a threat or an imposition than a dialogue,” he reproached Milei.

He clarified, however, that the Government will be able to count on the Buenos Aires Executive “for work meetings, for meetings aimed at solving problems, even for debate.” “We will be in all areas necessary to continue firmly demanding some specific points. But if it’s about meetings for photos and marketing… just start if we don’t arrive,” he stated.

The Buenos Aires governor’s speech concluded with the reading of seven points and demands of the Buenos Aires Executive to the national government. Among them, the reactivation of public works, respect for federalism, the repeal of the “illegal DNU” and the firm rejection of the “delirious” dollarization project. “Our pact is with the People, our pact is with the Homeland and we will never betray it. “We don’t want to be Ireland, we want to be Argentina,” he concluded.

The governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, during the inauguration of the Legislative AssemblyNicolas Aboaf

In the company of the vice-governor Verónica Magario and the highest leaders of Unión por la Patria, among them Máximo Kirchner, the president regretted: “It is the first opening of sessions of our second term. I would have liked to start this second stage in a different context. Today we are going through an uncertain and gloomy circumstance. “I cannot limit myself to expressing myself and talking only about management.” Immediately afterwards, he described Milei’s government as an “extravagant experiment” to which Argentina is subjected.

“We have the will to transform. But that does not mean jumping into the abyss or experimenting with anachronistic, imported or failed recipes. Problems are not solved with a chainsaw, nor with dynamite, nor with adjustment. We need more rights, we need more State. Society demands more public schools, more sewers and more asphalt. Never less. Always more,” she remarked with the sole intention of differentiating herself from the President.

Next, the Buenos Aires president He described as “criminal” the “sadistic enjoyment of the suffering of others that we are witnessing.” “In the dizziness of less than three months of Government, it is evident that the proposals that won do not lead to greater economic relief. I say it again in the hope that you will listen to us: adjustment only produces pain, inequality. Adjustment is never inevitable. The suffering of those who already suffer is not the solution to our problems. We do not deny the difficulties that the Government has. But the most vulnerable cannot make the sacrifice for them”, he insisted.

And he added: “In the campaign, Milei said that the adjustment was due to politics. And the only ones affected now are SMEs, workers and those who have the least. Since the Government began its plan, the deterioration of our country has advanced. They try to mask reality with false hopes like light at the end of the tunnel, fight against a caste and second semester. But the reality is different. “That is nothing more than an enormous redistribution for those who have the most.”

The president, Javier Milei, inaugurated the period of ordinary sessions of the National Congress
The president, Javier Milei, inaugurated the period of ordinary sessions of the National CongressHernan Zenteno – La Nacion

With the focus still on the cuts carried out by the Milei administration, he accused the president of “deserting in his most constitutive obligations, his most basic and inalienable tasks.” “President Milei does not want to shrink the State but rather disintegrate it. But for Although he believes that he is the bearer of a divine mandate, article 1 of the Constitution, inspired by the ideas of Alberdi, says that Argentina It adopts the republican, representative and federal form.”

“Dissolving the State is a pure and exclusive objective of the anarcho-capitalism that it itself proclaims. No matter how many difficulties and problems there are, “Believing that everything would work better if there were no State is a ridiculous example of ideological, conceptual and cultural flat-eartherism.”Kicillof said.

In the midst of the bidding between the Nation and the governors of the provinces, Kicillof urged Milei to “respect the project that the people of Buenos Aires chose” and highlighted that “he was elected as President under the same mechanisms that defined the rest of the leaderships.” “Milei must respect the provinces and their people. That means complying with the laws and regulations, and stopping threatening the governors to get them to approve their laws, which hurt the interests of the provinces,” he reinforced.

The governor of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, greets the governor of Chubut, Ignacio Torres during the inauguration of the ordinary sessions in Congress
The governor of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, greets the governor of Chubut, Ignacio Torres during the inauguration of the ordinary sessions in CongressHernan Zenteno – La Nacion

He also pointed out Milei’s “revenge” – personified through the cut of co-participating funds – for the failure of the treatment of the omnibus law, the disintegration of public works, the increase in the cost of medicines and prepaid payments, and “the use of chainsaw on retirees, formal and informal workers.”

And, in line with these criticisms, he predicted: “The next misfortune that arrives inexorably is the recession, which It is already beginning to be observed in less than three months: layoffs in construction, layoffs in commerce, suspensions and layoffs in industry; closure of companies and businesses.”

Kicillof’s analysis of Milei’s speech and the May Pact

Regarding the speech of the head of state in Parliament last Friday, Kicillof first ironically: “Milei’s opening speech would have been more sincere if he had plagiarized the one given by Nicolás Avellaneda when he assumed the presidency in 1874. Avellaneda said: ‘There are two million Argentines who will save even on their hunger and thirst, to respond in a supreme situation to the commitments of our public faith in foreign markets.’”

“Milei said several times that Argentina was the first world power at the end of the 19th century and that later, according to him, the country “got screwed,” because according to Milei, “the caste model” was then implemented, that is, the State It was created to favor politicians, social justice was applied, which is actually a theft because it takes from some by force to give to others, and inflation began as a result of the deficit covered by emissions. All this, all of it, is nonsense”, he added later.

Later, the Buenos Aires governor offered his first words regarding the May Pact, a call launched by the head of state and whose objective is to seek consensus with governors on policy matters. “After subjecting the people, democracy and federalism to an aggression as unprecedented as it is savage, an invitation is now being sent to us that is more like a threat or an imposition than a dialogue”he reproached Milei.

In that sense, he clarified that The Government will be able to count on the Buenos Aires Executive “for work meetings, for meetings aimed at solving problems, even for debate.” “We will be in all areas necessary to continue firmly demanding some specific points. But if it’s about meetings for photos and marketing… just start if we don’t arrive.”he sentenced.

The Buenos Aires governor’s speech concluded with the reading of seven points and/or demands from the Buenos Aires Executive to the Milei government. Among them, the reactivation of public works, respect for federalism, the repeal of the “illegal DNU” and the firm rejection of the “delirious” dollarization project. “Our pact is with the People, our pact is with the Homeland and we will never betray it. “We don’t want to be Ireland, we want to be Argentina,” he concluded.

Kicillof suspends the implementation of the full day in 60 primary schools

“National defunding.” Kicillof suspends the implementation of the full day in 60 primary schools

Andrés Malamud's analysis of Milei's call to the governors

“An offer they can’t refuse.” Andrés Malamud’s analysis of Milei’s call to the governors

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