Event on “Prevention and Management of Risks” – 2024-03-05 04:38:22

by times news cr

2024-03-05 04:38:22

Newsroom Daily

A particularly important and timely event on the topic of “Prevention and Response to Risks” is co-organized by the Civil Protection of the Epirus Region and the Epirus Department of the Technical Chamber of Greece, on Monday, March 4, at 7 pm, in the room of the Epirus Department of the TEE.

During it, the speakers will present major and current issues, such as the drafting of plans to deal with natural disasters and the preventive evacuation of citizens in the event of a forest fire, the evacuation of a coastal settlement due to a forest fire, but also the issue of declaring areas in a state of emergency. Protection.
The event will start with a welcome from the president of the TEE/Epiros – Lefkada Department, Yiannis Tsigros, and will be followed by greetings from the Epirus regional governor, Alexandros Kahrimanis, and the Epirus Regional Civil Protection Coordinator, Dimitris Mavrioiorgos.
Speeches and presentations will follow as follows:
– Drafting of Natural Disaster Response Plans and Organized Preventive Evacuation of Citizens in the event of a forest fire – D. Alexandris, head of the Emergency Planning Directorate of the General Directorate of Coordination of the General Secretariat of Civil Protection.
– Casestudy: Evacuation of a coastal settlement due to a forest fire – N. Mavrigiorgou, Materials Science Engineer, PhDCan. “Analysis and Management of Natural Disasters and Technological RisksLaboratory – ASSIST Lab”.
– Proclamation of Civil Protection Emergency Areas – E. Athenaiou, head of the National Planning Department of the Emergency Planning Directorate of the General Directorate of Coordination of the General Secretariat of Civil Protection.
– Citizen awareness and volunteering in Local Government – K. Kitsios, deputy governor of Volunteering and Solidarity – M. Kokori, deputy head of the Department of Civil Protection P.E. Thesprotia.
At the end of the event there will be time for discussion, presentations and questions.

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