Vote from March 3, 2024 – 58.2 percent say yes to the 13th AHV pension – News

by time news
  • 58.2 percent of the electorate said yes to the initiative for a 13th AHV pension.
  • The number of stands has also been reached: 15 stands say yes, 8 say no.
  • The voter turnout was 58.3 percent.
  • We were able to mobilize people who normally don’t go to the polls, says Lukas Golder from the GFS Bern research institute.

13. AHV pension

Federal template: Popular initiative “For a better life in old age (initiative for a 13th AHV pension)”

  • AND

    1,883,465 votes

  • NO

    1,350,257 votes

Class votes

Voting turnout 58.3%

YES share in %

  • 100
  • 65
  • 60
  • 55
  • 50
  • 45
  • 40
  • 35
  • 0

Final result canton

  • AND


  • NO


The popular initiative for a 13th AHV pension has been accepted. Both the people and the estates spoke out in favor of the request.

The result was particularly clear in western Switzerland and Ticino, where a large part of the population voted for the 13th AHV pension. In central Switzerland, most cantons clearly said no, and there was also a no from Thurgau, St. Gallen and both Appenzell. Two extremes are Jura with 82.5 percent approval and Appenzell Innerrhoden with 68.5 percent no votes.

The campaign succeeded in once again clearly assuring that a yes vote was possible, says Lukas Golder from the GFS opinion research institute in Bern. We were able to mobilize people who normally don’t go to the polls. Many were carried away by the debate and voted against the Federal Council.

“It is also a protest vote,” concluded Golder. A protest vote against a state that spends a lot elsewhere and finances a lot, for example in defense and migration. “That prompted many in medium-sized businesses to say, ‘Now we can do something for us that will broadly and effectively relieve the financial situation’ for pensioners.” For this reason, many people – including those in rural areas – decided to take part in the vote.

The popular initiative for a 13th AHV pension requires a “thirteenth” for the AHV pension, as many working people know it. Specifically, all retirees should be entitled to a supplement amounting to one twelfth of their annual pension; This would therefore be increased by 8.3 percent.

The initiative of the Swiss Federation of Trade Unions also demands that the supplementary benefits (EL) are not affected even if the 13th AHV pension is introduced. It does not provide any guidelines for financing the 13th AHV pension.

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