beware of miracle cures! 2024-03-07 07:56:31

by time news

“Dog’s Eyes”, « Apollo », « Dog eyes », these are the nicknames given to conjunctivitis. When this epidemic hit the Burundian population, I thought I was safe. I teased anyone who had been affected, Karma did not spare me. I’m telling you.

It’s Monday, the alarm is ringing, it’s time to go and justify the salary I receive. I hesitate to get up, I try to open my eyes, but I can’t. It’s not laziness, I really can’t open my eyes. TOTAL PANIC. Have I gone blind? It’s incredible to see how humans react in extreme situations when they are deprived of something dear to their heart. In my case, it was the view. All my senses, on alert, worked together without consulting me. Two minutes later, I was in front of the tap, splashing myself with water, like the blind man in the Bible, hoping to open my eyes. After reopening them, I whispered a little « amen ».

My brother, who thought we were being robbed because of the walls and chairs I bumped into on my way, had watched the whole scene, probably thinking I was crazy. As soon as I looked up, he immediately took four steps back, telling me to get away from him, claiming that he had a basketball game the next day and that I had the Apollo (the name that the Congolese give to conjunctivitis, stylish, right?).

I wouldn’t go so far as to say that it’s a pleasant experience, but what makes it unbearable, in addition to the intense pain you feel as if you had put everything Safi Beach in the eyes, they are the people who think they are doctors and advise us on unimaginable treatments, ranging from the normal to the most eccentric, even delusional, theories. Here, in my opinion, are the 7 treatments that should not be recommended to someone who has conjunctivitis:

  1. Put soap (gifura nguwo) in the eyes.
  2. Wash your eyes with tea.
  3. Put lemon in the eye.
  4. Pour morning urine into the eye.
  5. Rubbing your eyes with a dog’s tail.
  6. Pouring a virgin’s urine in the eyes.

Heal, certainly… but at what cost?

Aside from the absurdity of all these pseudo treatments, this epidemic has given way to collective amnesia and unfortunately, some are suffering the consequences. Certainly, suffering from conjunctivitis hurts, but don’t let anyone offer you treatment like this. These “miracle treatments” may work for some, but not for everyone.

Ella, a friend, told me: “When I got sick, our housekeeper told me about lemon and morning urine. At first I didn’t believe it, but when she told me it worked for her, I wanted to give it a try. It was a very bad idea. » Not only did it not cure her, but her condition worsened. Her eyes swelled even more and she had to have surgery.

My goal is not to scare those who read this article, but as my teacher liked to say: “For the good of all and for the salvation of the world, do not believe everything you are told”. Follow the advice given by the experts, and for heaven’s sake, you don’t cure conjunctivitis by rubbing a dog’s tail on your eyes. It’s absurd !

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2024-03-07 07:56:31

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