And they say they believe in equality…

by time news

2024-03-08 01:23:53

Carmen Calvo says that feminism is not a man’s thing. And now I understand it. I understand it in view of the use that they make of everyone’s money when they commit crimes. She spent time in the ERE and with Tito Berni; It supposedly happens now, in what there are still those who call the “Koldo case” – pointing out as they point out much above – that what is stolen ends up being used on prostituted women. The month of March arrives, yes, and the already president of the Council of State renews her abolitionist votes, making it appear that for her party this is a vital issue. And of course it is, but not for them. Because they haven’t done anything in six years. Because they continue, whenever their corruption emerges, demonstrating how they use those women who suffer from the oldest, the saddest, the most forgotten slavery. Minister Ana Redondo also establishes herself, in the parliamentary seat, as a textbook abolitionist, rescuing the measures that the socialists always say they will implement but that never arrive and without strongly condemning all those who under her initials have become kidnappers of that freedom that they only profess when their navels are the ones looking.

Says Carmen Calvo, who also stated that “public money belongs to no one” –perhaps that is why some steal it–, now she says that feminism is only a matter for them, for those affiliated with a party, hers, which Since Pedro Sánchez has governed, he has managed to make Spain decline in democratic quality as well as in well-being for those born as women. Perhaps it is because of laws such as “only yes is yes”, which abandons them, or “trans”, which seeks to erase them. Maybe because they laugh at everyone. And all. The president said it: “Feminism is fun.” And not. It is not. He is brave, necessary and brave; He never leaves anyone behind, because if he believes in something, if he pursues something, it is equality. And equality does not understand excuses or distinctions or privileges. Of course, the first of the first vice presidents that this government has had, Calvo herself, seemed to have it clear when she forcefully asserted that the amnesty, which is the greatest example of inequality among Spaniards, has no place in our democracy because “it eliminates one of the three powers of the State, the judicial one. Not now, now she says that she fits her, so she won’t be left without an office in the Uceda Palace. Although, it is true, when she said it she was wearing a mask and no one knows if she was an example of those that Koldo endorsed the socialist ministries, nor if it would have any effect similar to that of the truth serum. Because she then confirmed what we all know and what is expected of a “jurist of recognized prestige.”

The one who did buy them and took them off in bars, skipping the curfew that she herself had imposed in her community, is Mrs. Francina Armengol. She does. She bought them, she stored them knowing they were defective and now she says, more or less, that she knew nothing. If that were the case, which I doubt, it would be no less serious. Who she did forget but in truth, when she presided over the Consell de Mallorca, she was one of those minors forced into prostitution and who were under her care and custody. She forgot them but I am sure that she also passes for an abolitionist, although she refused to establish a commission in Parliament to clarify responsibilities. She did not do it. She preferred to ally herself with those who look the other way even though there are 45 million human beings in the world who are victims of trafficking, most of them women and girls. I don’t know what demonstration she will go to this afternoon or if she will go to one – she is missing – but, first of all, she should apologize to those who were objectified, who had to live the worst of society, its most sordid side, the most dark, when they believed themselves protected by the administration, theirs; whom they later tried to silence.

The one who does know which header it will be on is the Minister of Equality because she said so. In which only the women of Palestine who suffer the war as much as those of Israel are remembered. Palestinian women who, like those from Iran and other countries, also suffer the ultra-Orthodox tragedy of those who do not let them be or feel, who prohibit them from acting as free beings. I will be as always with all the women, at her side. Fighting to confirm their rights. Working so that not one more loses their life due to that unforgivable scourge that is sexist violence. Thanking them that with their fight they have achieved that we all have more freedom, more rights. There were and are in all strata, with all ideologies and faiths. Raising her voice or making sure her daughters have a choice, whatever. Making this country a better place. Together with men who have never doubted that this is a cause that challenges everyone and to which we continue to contribute. A construction that is everything to everyone. For all.


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