Cameroon: Half a billion flies from the office of the Minister of Sports, the scandal! – 2024-03-10 21:02:22

by times news cr

2024-03-10 21:02:22

The world of Cameroonian sport is in shock after the revelation of a spectacular theft that occurred in the very heart of the Ministry of Sports and Physical Education (MINSEP). No less than 360 million FCFA vanished from the Minister’s office, pushing the police to open a large-scale investigation. A case which raises many questions and which sheds harsh light on the opaque management of this strategic ministry, to say the least.

MINSEP, a sieve of millions? ????️????

According to information collected by, a colossal sum of 360 million FCFA disappeared from the MINSEP offices, and more precisely from the office of the Minister himself. An event which immediately triggered a vast police investigation, with the hearing of all ministry staff, including executives. But beyond the financial damage, it is the question of the origin and destination of this money that is of concern.

Mouelle Kombi, minister or banker? ????????

Because the presence of such a sum of cash in a minister’s office is not trivial. Who really owned this money? Why was it kept in an office, disregarding all security and transparency rules? So many questions which legitimately arise and which highlight the gray areas surrounding the management of MINSEP. A ministry which sometimes seems to act like a real parallel bank, far from any citizen control.

Meanwhile, the athletes toast ????????

But the most shocking thing in this affair is the striking contrast between these millions stolen and the precarious situation of many Cameroonian athletes. Like rugby players, forced to give up a major African competition due to lack of funding. A situation unworthy of a country which dreams of itself as a giant of continental sport, and which questions the real priorities of the leaders of MINSEP. Because what’s the point of amassing fortunes in ministerial offices if it’s to leave the country’s athletes on the sidelines?

A customary minister of financial “incidents”? ????????

But the most disturbing thing is that this massive theft would not be an isolated case. According to several corroborating sources, the entourage of Minister Narcisse Mouelle Kombi has already been shaken by “ incidents » similar in the past. Domestic staff worried, suspicious disappearances of funds… The wildest rumors are circulating, without light ever being shed on these murky affairs. A deafening silence, which says a lot about the silence that reigns at the top of this ministry.

It’s time to end impunity! ⚖️????

Faced with this umpteenth scandal, a question arises: until when will Cameroon tolerate these abuses at the top of the state? Because it is indeed a culture of impunity that we are talking about here. A culture that corrupts our administration, discourages honest citizens and undermines the development of our country. It is time for justice to take place, for those responsible to be identified and punished for their actions. It is a question of survival for our democracy.

And you can count on, your leading citizen media, to follow this burning issue with the greatest vigilance. With exclusive revelations, hard-hitting analyzes and uncompromising decryption, we will be on the front line to shed light on this affair which reeks of chicanery and contempt for Cameroonians. Because the credibility of our institutions and our dignity as a people are at stake.

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