Banco Santander donates 30 benches made with recycled bank cards to the Santander City Council

by time news

2024-03-11 18:20:56

Santander Bankchaired by Ana Botín, has donated 30 banks made with recycled bank cards to the Santander City Councilwhich has already begun to install them in different locations in the Cantabrian capital.

Specifically, eight banks have already been installed in Monte, and the rest will be progressively placed in Cueto (10 on Peregrino Zuyer street), Nueva Montaña (6 on Tomás y Valiente street) and Peñacastillo (6 on Severo Ochoa).

Gema Igual, the mayor of Santander, visited the banks installed in Monte last Friday, accompanied by the territorial director of Banco Santander in Cantabria and Asturias, Manuel Iturbe, the councilor of Neighborhoods, Lorena Gutiérrez, and residents of the neighborhood.

The mayor pointed out that the initiative is part of an agreement between the City Council and Santander Bankin favor of making a more sustainable city.

He also expressed his gratitude to Banco Santander for the banks’ donation, as well as for the entity’s collaboration with the City Council in numerous “major” projects.

In the words of the mayor of Santander, “These actions demonstrate the alliance that Banco Santander has with its city, and that extends to many areas such as social, cultural, economic, foreign projection and, in this case also, the environment.”

The territorial director of Banco Santander in Cantabria and Asturias, Manuel Iturbe, indicated for his part that this donation is part of the entity’s “commitment” to the city of Santander, and with its objective of being “a more responsible bank every day.” » and reduce its environmental impact.

The territorial director of Banco Santander in Cantabria and Asturias also thanked the collaboration of all those clients who, by recycling their cards, have made this project possible.

Santander Bank More than a year ago, it made available to its clients the possibility of handing over their expired or damaged cards to undergo a recycling process.

The customer simply deposits their expired card at the ATM, and a few days later they receive a message confirming that it has been recycled. With these cards, the raw material for urban furniture is made, also using fishing nets recovered from the seabed.

Banco Santander is donating benches made with recycled bank cards to different Spanish cities, such as Santander, Valencia or Malaga, whose city councils are the ones that decide the most suitable locations for them.

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