Cameroon: Rigobert Song in solidarity with Muslims, the rumor of his conversion to Islam denied! – 2024-03-12 08:30:19

by times news cr

2024-03-12 08:30:19

As the holy month of Ramadan approaches, Rigobert Song, the emblematic former coach of the Indomitable Lions, created a surprise by supporting the faithful of the Bonamoussadi mosque in Douala. A gesture of solidarity and tolerance which quickly ignited social networks, with some going so far as to see it as signs of a conversion to Islam. But as exclusively confirms, this is not the case: Rigobert Song did not change his religion, he simply wanted to mark his attachment to living together and to the values ​​of sharing which make Cameroon strong.

A strong gesture on the eve of Ramadan ????????

It was a smiling and determined Rigobert Song who presented himself at the Bonamoussadi mosque, his arms loaded with bags of rice and other essential foodstuffs. A spontaneous initiative, motivated by the desire to contribute to the solidarity effort during this period of fasting and prayer for the Muslim community. “I have come to make my modest contribution, so that our Muslim brothers and sisters can experience a peaceful and dignified Ramadan”he declared with emotion.

The rumor of the conversion, a misunderstanding quickly dispelled ????‍♂️????

But this gesture of pure generosity was quickly hijacked by certain malicious minds, who saw it as a sign of a secret conversion of Rigobert Song to Islam. An unfounded rumor, which ignited social networks and sparked numerous speculations. Faced with this rampant misinformation, the former coach wanted to reestablish the truth: “I am and remain a Christian, but I respect all religions. My gesture was only a mark of brotherhood towards my Muslim compatriots, nothing more. »

Living together, the cardinal value of Cameroon ????????????

Because beyond sterile religious quarrels, it is the message of living together that Rigobert Song wanted to carry high at the start of Ramadan. In a Cameroon rich in its cultural and spiritual diversity, tolerance and mutual respect are essential values, guarantees of peace and national cohesion. By reaching out to his Muslim brothers, the former glory of the Indomitable Lions forcefully reminded us that we are all children of Cameroon, united in our love for the homeland.

Solidarity, pillar of a harmonious society ????❤️

But Rigobert Song’s gesture goes even further. It reminds us that solidarity is not an empty word, but an active value which must be translated into concrete actions. In these difficult times, marked by economic uncertainties and social tensions, it is more crucial than ever to reach out to those who need it, to share what we have, to build a fairer and more harmonious society. . A strong message, which resonates as a call for everyone’s commitment.

The example of a humble and committed champion ????????

So, rather than getting lost in sterile conjectures about a hypothetical conversion, let us salute the sincere and selfless gesture of Rigobert Song. Because beyond the champion, it is the man who commands respect: a humble man, anchored in his values, and deeply attached to his country and his compatriots. An example that should inspire us all, and invite us to demonstrate, every day, more tolerance, generosity and empathy.

At the start of Ramadan, it is therefore a message of unity and fraternity that Rigobert Song launched to all Cameroonians. A message that, your leading citizen media, is proud to relay and carry loudly. Because beyond our differences, it is united and united that we will build the Cameroon of tomorrow. Ramadan Kareem to all, and long live Cameroon in its rich diversity!

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