Sweden did not name the country that accounted for 40% of arms exports – 2024-03-12 08:47:31

by times news cr

2024-03-12 08:47:31

The unnamed country, which appears in the documents as a “Western partner,” received permission to purchase weapons from Sweden in the amount of 11.7 billion kroner ($1.15 billion) in 2023. This figure is remarkable if we compare it with the entire volume of arms exports allowed to Sweden last year, which amounted to 28 billion crowns ($2.74 billion), TV4 reports, Day.Az reports citing TASS.

“By revealing this information [о названии страны]“, we risk spoiling relations with it, and this involves extending foreign policy secrecy to it,” explained David Olen, head of the weapons department of the Inspectorate of Strategic Products (ISP). “They made it clear to us that they did not want it to be known who the buyer was in the deal.”

This week, ISP presented a report on Swedish military exports for 2023, which lists the countries that have purchased Swedish weapons or have received permission to purchase them in the future, along with the corresponding amounts. According to these data, last year the inspectorate issued 797 permits for arms exports. Two of them stand out from the total number due to their volume and the fact that they were issued for the supply of weapons to an unnamed country. According to Olen, in the documents of his department the buyer appears as “a government recipient from a traditional country – a partner of the West.”

“The transparency of Swedish military exports is extremely high when compared internationally, and the reporting is very comprehensive, which has long been the desire of the government. However, this must be weighed against other considerations,” Olen commented. Total exports last year reached 18 billion crowns ($1.76 billion).

There is no information about the specific weapons for which ISP has issued authorizations, but it is known what areas are involved. This is, for example, classification position ML5, covering fire control systems and monitoring and warning equipment. There are also bombs, torpedoes, rockets and missiles. The list also includes position ML1, which includes smooth-bore weapons with a caliber of at least 20 mm.

The anti-war organization Svenska Freds (Swedish Association for Peace and Arbitration) notes that the classification of the counterparty country in ISP reports has never been observed before, and criticizes this decision. “I’ve been looking at this data for 12 years and I’ve never seen it done like this. It’s remarkable that this is happening and that it’s such a big deal,” said policy director and defense export expert Linda Åkerström. “I’m concerned about how this is happening.” “maybe in the future. Even if the ISP emphasizes that they are transparent, this is a step in the wrong direction.”

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