The Czech Republic celebrates 25 years in NATO. Russia threatens freedom, the Czech Republic will be on the front line 2024-03-12 09:10:18

by time news

Prime Minister Petr Fiala considers joining NATO one of the most important days in the country’s history, and according to him, the alliance provides the strongest security guarantees.

The modernization of the air force and the delivery of 24 state-of-the-art F-35 aircraft are now considered to be the backbone of the Czech Republic. It is a matter of protecting the airspace for a very long time and until the end of the next few years, he said, noting that we will not be able to do without peak machines in the future. According to him, this is evidenced by the fact that a whole group of allies have decided on the same platform.

Former NATO Secretary General Javier Solana, under whose influence the Alliance decided to divide NATO into Czechia, Poland and Hungary, considers that event to be a fascinating and very important day. We made the right decision at the right moment, he said in a video message.

He pointed out that NATO is the strongest alliance in the world, and in these complex times, a strong alliance is the key to maintaining freedom and democracy.

According to Prime Minister Petr Fiala, Russia is now an invitation to Russia and NATO to attack Ukraine. The Prime Minister stated that the fallen community is united, and will continue to support and supply Ukraine with weapons, ammunition and equipment.

According to him, the conflict in Ukraine is still ongoing and it is impossible to be impartial in it. Being passive would mean not only throwing the bees and allies overboard, but also calmly waiting for Russia to come to them and want our land as well.

We are on the right side. Ukraine did not provoke anything, only fair brn. The Russian regime, on the other hand, kills civilians every day and liquidates its political opponents, declared Fiala.

f diplomacy Jan Lipavsk stated that Russian aggression against Ukraine is another djinn twist to which the West must respond. A good start is that we have the means to stop it. We have a pension, we have economic capacity, we know who is a normal person and who is a criminal, she said. According to him, the Czech Republic will be in the first line of helping the Ukrainian defenders.

Minister of Defense Jana Ernochov stated that since the end of the 90s of the last century, the security situation has been getting worse. The wolf at the entrance, taking place hundreds of kilometers from our borders, is the last warning, she pointed out. According to n, the defense of the country is not only about the army, but about the whole of society.

Zbynk Pavlak from Jagello 2000, who organizes the conference, said that without security there can be no economic prosperity, and defense spending is therefore a strategic investment in economic prosperity.

He recalled that thanks to membership in NATO based on transatlantic ties, the Czech Republic has historically received the highest security guarantee in its modern history. For a simple and illustrative comparison, I would only change that the era of the first republic lasted less than twenty years, which was followed by an ageless period of unfreedom, he added.

Former US President Bill Clinton will be the keynote speaker at the Preston conference Our security is not a given. First he founded NATO 25 years ago for the first post-Soviet country of great personal service.

Esk Republic, Hungary and Poland joined NATO. The result is more than two decades of peace and prosperity for the centuries of Europe and collective security, he said before closing the conference. He has been in Prague since the weekend. In the Reduta jazz club, he remembered Vclav Havel.

Clinton’s speech in the English language is expected at approximately 1:45 p.m. The program will feature the appearance of NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson, who years ago was among the Allies.

The conference will be attended by the most senior building official in ele with President Petr Pavlo and Prime Minister Petr Fiala, Minister of Defense Jana ernochová or Minister of Foreign Affairs Jan Lipavski, as well as representatives of the late ANO movement or SPD in the traditional political panel.

The purpose of this year’s conference is not only to evaluate the first quarter of a century of leadership in the Alliance, but also to face the darkness of its future. Zvlt with regard to the new threat or the current Russian wolf to Ukraine. In April, NATO will celebrate 75 years since its foundation in 1949.

2024-03-12 09:10:18

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