they were created by the Russians –

by time news

2024-03-12 09:22:25

The Kremlin’s plot to destabilize the country in view of the race for the White House: the reconstruction of the New York Times

The Chicago Chronicle? Well, the newspaper of the Illinois metropolis the Chicago Tribune, never heard of the Chronicle. Now one has popped up in Miami too where the local newspaper is called the Herald, not the Chronicle. And the New York News Daily? Here the local newspaper the Daily News. An error? Not exactly. All these digital newspapers have appeared on the web in recent weeks: they are not American electronic newspapers, but disinformation tools created by Russia, presumably to increase confusion and destabilize the United States in a year of very delicate elections for the future democracy of the country.

The Kremlin plot was reconstructed by the New York Times on the basis of research and web surveillance by the Media Forensics Hub of Clemson University which already in the autumn had reported the birth of a strange site, DC Weekly, disguised as the capital’s newspaper (DC the Washington District abbreviation). For now these sites are barely active or spread fairly anodyne news among which, however, every now and then a fake appears.

The Miami Chronicle, for example, made its debut on February 26 with a normal news program in which the (true) news of the resignation of Victoria Nuland as Undersecretary of State, the number three in US diplomacy, was accompanied by an audio, defined a recording indiscreetly revealed that, in reality, it was denounced by the US Administration as a pure fake: Nuland seems to explain her step backwards with a change of direction in Washington’s policy which would have become much more lukewarm towards the opposition policy to the Moscow regime after Navalny’s death. Now it is possible that Nuland, a true US hawk, a great supporter of the Ukrainian cause, has left American diplomacy after a career lasting 35 years because she was disappointed by Biden’s choice to fill the number two slot of the State Department with another official it opened some time ago. But the recording is definitely false.

The Clemson observatory also denounced that in the autumn DCWeekly had spread, among many true news (generally taken from sites such as Reuters and Fox News), also fake news: when Volodymyr Zelensky went to New York to participate in the UN jobs, his wife would have gone to Cartier purchasing jewels for 1 million and 100 thousand dollars. A clear attempt to paint the Ukrainian president in a bad light in front of his people.

According to counterintelligence analysts, these insidious attacks come from the same fabrication factory once controlled by Yevgeny Prigozhin, Putin’s former collaborator who, having become too powerful at the head of the Wagner mercenaries and after having attempted a revolt against the Kremlin, died seven months ago in a mysterious plane crash. At Clemson they believe that Prigozhin’s disinformation machine and that of the St. Petersburg headquarters, the Internet Research Agency, are too precious for Putin: he cannot deprive himself of them. Analysts predict that the disinformation campaign, currently very mild, will intensify as the November elections approach.

Those who find themselves attributed with false statements will always be able to deny them, but it has been proven that the effectiveness of the corrections is limited. And there is no way to measure the actual degree of spread of fake news. Nor to know how many users will consider them credible.

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March 12, 2024 (modified March 12, 2024 | 10:23)

#created #Russians

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