Today more reinforcements arrive. The other hidden war in Rosario: the mistrust between the Santa Fe Police and the federal forcesBy Federico Águila, special envoy

by times news cr

ROSARIO.- This Wednesday afternoon new members of the federal forces will arrive in the city. In this way, the first round of reinforcements announced this week by the Ministery of security national. There will be a total of 450 members of the Gendarmerie, Federal Police and Prefecture to strengthen the new security plan that they coordinated Minister Patricia Bullrich and Governor Maximiliano Pullaro. In the next few hours, the arrival of the equipment promised by the Armed Forces is also scheduled.

Little by little, the city began to recover its usual appearance. The topic of conversation in the morning among the people of Rosario was strong storm that shook the area during the early hours of the morning and caused havoc in almost all neighborhoods. The stupor over the series of four murders of workers at the hands of drug gangs is still fresh. People have to go out to work. “There is no other option,” is a phrase repeated among the neighbors.

Now it will be the turn of the authorities to show results to a society that has been hit for several years. However, since the federal forces landed to reinforce the fight against drug trafficking there has always been a strong distrust with the Santa Fe Police.

Patricia Bullrich with members of the Gendarmerie and Prefecture in Santa Fe.Marcelo Manera

In the frenetic meetings that have taken place since Sunday, when a crisis committee was created and on Monday the national officials arrived in the city, there was talk that it is time for the “coexistence of forces” and to support coordinated work.

Lowly, The members of the federal forces complain about their provincial counterparts for links with drug gangs those they should fight. “The gendarmes do not want to work with the Santa Fe Police. For example, they notify criminals of the operations and when they arrive at the places there is nothing left. That is why the collaboration between both forces is null,” he tells THE NATION a senior official of the provincial Judicial Branch.

Something that the people of Rosario have repeated since the drug war was declared in the city: there were almost never, if ever, gangs killed in confrontations. Which explains, for many, the collusion of certain sectors of the Police with drug power.

In the reserved meetings that the national authorities held with the governor this week, this issue was on the table. They demanded that Pullaro act vigorously against the suspected senior police officers. Judges and prosecutors had been demanding the same thing from previous provincial governments for some time.

In the absence of a restructuring of the force, the Ministry of National Security proposed to the governor to create new special units with the most reliable police officers.

The provincial government pointed out to Bullrich that in just three months the Santa Fe Police went from having twenty cell phones in Rosario to around 150. They argued that there were desidia In the last four years of the administration of Omar Perotti and now the fight is deep.

In coordination with the Nation, They divided Rosario into eight hot zones. Until this week, the federal forces that respond to Patricia Bullrich had power over two of them. In fact, on Tuesday they set up two checkpoints while the local force carried out patrols and a neighborhood intervention focused on Stella Maris. But from now on the feds will double that presence. They will be in the areas delimited in this way: Empalme Graneros and Ludueña, Tablada, Tío Rolo, Triángulo and Moderno, under the control of the Gendarmerie, Federal Police and Prefecture, the hottest areas of crime.

Last wave of violence

Rosario faces an escalation of violence unleashed in recent days after the four murders at the hands of hitmen as a response from drug gangs to restrictive policies launched especially in prisons.

The first crime took place on the night of March 5 when Hector Raul Figueroaa 43-year-old taxi driver, He was shot nine times in the Las Delicias neighborhood with ammunition that belonged to the Santa Fe Police. A first warning sign for the authorities.

Hours later, on March 7, the victim was Diego Alejandro Celentano, 32 years old, also a taxi driver. They shot him in the head while he was inside the car, with the engine running. The execution was similar to that of Figueroa. In both cases the same 9 mm pistol was used, according to an expert report by the Investigative Police.

Then they killed Marcos Daloiahe bus driver of the trolleybus line who was shot on Thursday and died on Sunday, after being hospitalized for four days. The attack took place at the intersection of Mendoza and México streets, Belgrano neighborhood, in the west area, three blocks from Circunvalación Avenue.

The last victim was Bruno Bussanich, a 25-year-old beachgoer who died on March 10 at his workplace, a Puma service station in the western area. A man dressed in shorts and a hooded jacket arrived there, approached, shot him and fled, running, at full speed. Cristian, 27, was his partner and can’t stop thinking that if the hitmen chose another day, he could have been murdered. “The dead person was going to be me if it happened a couple of days later. Sleeping with that feeling is very ugly“, said to THE NATION from his workplace, where a patrol car is deployed with two police officers who check the cars that pass by.

Cristian, partner of Bruno, the beach player murdered on Sunday morning
Cristian, partner of Bruno, the beach player murdered on Sunday morning
Marcelo Manera – LA NACION

After the violent streak The city was paralyzed. The week started with a Monday like a holiday forced by fear, in which the merchants decided not to open or they opened but with half blinds, the parents did not send their children to school and the collectors declared not wanting to work for fear of being murdered. In this context, strikes by taxi drivers, bus drivers and parkers were also reported.

“For the second time, we have to recover the life of the city. It already happened to us with the end of the pandemic, Now it is with the latest wave of violence that we are experiencing. We have to recover daily life, back to school, transportation,” he assured LA NACION. Pablo Javkinmayor of Rosario.

Rosary without classes in all schools, public and private
Rosary without classes in all schools, public and privateMarcelo Manera

New prisons

This Wednesday the person who once again referred to the situation in Rosario was the president Javier Mileywhich at first pointed out to the Socialist Partywho governed the province of Santa Fe before the landing of Omar Perotti and Pullaro, as responsible for the current situation. He spoke of “narcosocialism started with Binner and Bonfatti”, in relation to the former presidents Hermes Binner and Antonio Bonfatti and noted: “Putting socialists in the government is not free. They destroy everything they touch. It is to understand those responsible for the disaster that Rosario has today.”

Then he insisted that from the libertarian government they work in a modification of the Internal Security law so that the Armed Forces can go with their weapons to the territory “when a case of narcoterrorism is constituted” and also expressed his willingness to build new prisons.

We are thinking about developing prisons. There are some in the middle of the city and the land has a lot of value in real estate terms. So we are thinking about selling those prisons, for the real estate value, and with those funds building new maximum security prisons far from the city,” he indicated and closed: “We are working on incorporating private prisons.”

President Javier Milei
President Javier MileiRicardo Pristupluk – LA NACION
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