Luong Gia Huy was scammed and lost nearly half a billion in one night

by times news cr

Shared by the “king of disco music” Luong Gia Huy on his personal page has attracted great attention from the online community. The male singer said he thought about it for a long time before deciding to make this unfortunate incident public.

Luong Gia Huy hopes that his own lesson will be a reminder and warning to everyone so that no one falls into a similar situation and unjustly loses the money they have earned through their sweat and tears.

Singer Luong Gia Huy. Photo: NVCC

“My lesson is not new, but I still want to repeat it for everyone to know more. Hopefully this will be a lesson of caution for many people in this busy 4.0 social life. Currently, there are many different types of scammers who don’t care about doing honest business but just like to scam, take the money from other people’s sweat and tears to enjoy life…”, Luong Gia Huy shared.

Accordingly, on the full moon day of January, when the male singer was busy preparing for a new music product with Saka Truong Tuyen, he received a call from someone claiming to be a bank employee. This person explains the procedure for increasing the male singer’s credit card limit.

Because he was busy with work, Luong Gia Huy was caught off guard and gave the phone to his assistant named V. so that V. could help him complete the procedures. The male singer himself trusts his assistant very much. The assistant also knows Luong Gia Huy’s basic personal information so he can complete this procedure.

Singer Luong Gia Huy said that assistant V. had been following him for 10 years. He was normally very smart and agile, but for some reason, he was caught off guard along with him that day.

“So they instructed V. to follow the steps to send a photo of his citizen ID card and visa card, give them a 2-sided JCB bank card, shave off all 3 numbers on the back and give it to them as well,” Luong Gia Huy recounted.

Luong Gia Huy was forced to leave the company again after 1 hour-Figure-2
Luong Gia Huy shares his story of being scammed.

The first deduction took place after Mr. V. provided the OTP code to the person on the other end of the line. Mr. V. saw the money deducted but did not detect anything unusual because he had previously been told by the other person that after the money was deducted, the money would be refunded immediately.

At midnight the same day, the scammers continuously withdrew 200 million from Luong Gia Huy’s card and 200 million from his wife’s card. Because the family was sleeping at that time, no one discovered the incident. Suddenly woke up, Luong Gia Huy and his wife went to the app and locked the card immediately.

It is worth mentioning that although a large amount of money was withdrawn from the card, Luong Gia Huy was too busy with work at that time so he did not keep his phone the next day. The scammers continued to contact Luong Gia Huy, urging Luong Gia Huy to pay an additional 50 million VND to be eligible to increase the card limit.

“I was too busy to stay on the phone, so I let assistant V. and his wife do it themselves, so they scammed another 50 million. After that, they manipulated my younger brother V., saying that the operation was not correct, so I had to pay another 50 million. When I saw that I had to transfer more money, I suddenly woke up and shouted ‘I’ve been scammed!’. By the time the whole family realized it was too late,” Luong Gia Huy said.

The male singer couldn’t help but feel sad when the amount of money was so large that it “went flying away”. Luong Gia Huy knew it was because he and his relatives were too caught off guard, allowing the criminals to successfully take advantage of the fraud. He just wants to send a reminder through his not-so-new story to everyone to always be extremely vigilant in all circumstances.

Luong Gia Huy was forced to leave the company again after 1 hour-Figure-3
Luong Gia Huy and his wife. Photo: NVCC

Through personal experience, Luong Gia Huy also gives sincere advice to everyone: “Don’t listen to or trust strangers’ phone calls, don’t trust anyone, just trust yourself. Important money matters should be handled by yourself and not entrusted to anyone else to replace large amounts of money or credit cards in bank accounts.”.

The male singer encouraged himself: “Well, I think more is the joy of going instead of something else. If they trick you, they will take away your bad luck. They bear that bad luck for us… that’s all. God loves me and will give me other blessings. The show’s audience loves me, which helps the show and spread its business better.”

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