MSB Launches Information Campaigns on Swedish Membership in NATO: What You Need to Know

by time news

The authority for social security and preparedness, MSB, has been commissioned by the government to start two information efforts regarding Swedish membership in NATO. This is what Carl-Oskar Bohlin, Minister for Civil Defence, says at a press conference on Thursday.

– This is not political opinion formation for NATO, but rather factual information about what NATO is and means for Sweden and Sweden’s population, says Carl-Oskar Bohlin.

According to MSB’s director general Charlotte Petri Gornitzka, an information effort will be aimed at young people between the ages of 16 and 25. The second effort addresses “the general public”.

– It’s a digital campaign and it will be where these target groups are, says Charlotte Petri Gornitzka.

The campaign will be seen on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Youtube and Twitch and will be available in multiple languages, including English, Arabic and Farsi.

It is not yet clear whether MSB will also inform about NATO on Tiktok.

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