Police convicted: bribery, argument and the death of a woman who decomposed 2024-03-14 11:50:00

by time news

He former police officer Diego Barragánwho served in the Radioelectric Command (CRE) of Rosario, He was sentenced to three years in prison for having tried his una familia is taken In a case that ended with a dead woman after suffering a pressure spike in the middle of the discussion.

It happened in November 2021. The partner of the motorist who was being extorted suffered a stroke and He died a few days later at the Eva Perón hospital. Police officer and lawyer Jorge Russe, who was head of the CRE, had been convicted in the same case, the portal reported. The capital.

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The man admitted his participation in asking a family in Santa Fe for money to let them circulate and not take their vehicle to the security force corral.

In an agreement approved by trial judge Patricia Bilotta, the former police officer was sentenced for the crime of aggravated collusion to three years of effective prison, a special disqualification of 6 years from holding public office and a fine of 60,000 pesos.

How was the case

The event occurred in the early morning of November 10, 2021 in Rosario. Los agents Jorge César Russe and Diego Eduardo Barragán They stopped a Renault 19 in which a family was traveling from the city of Santa Fe to Buenos Aires and They demanded 30 thousand pesos from the driver to let it circulate.

A tense discussion began and in that context, the motorist’s partner went into convulsions. After suffering a stroke, he died at the age of 44. The victim’s three children were in the back seat.

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As it was reconstructed, the police asked for documentation and then stated – falsely – that they were failing to comply with health measures against COVID-19, since supposedly it was not possible to be on the street at 2:30, the time of the operation.

The driver of the Renault 19 explained to the uniformed officers that they were going from Santa Fe to Buenos Aires and they were unaware that it was not possible to travel there at that time.

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“We don’t do anything with the papers. Even if everything is up to date, we go to the police station, where I call the tow truck so they can hold your vehicle and I call the prosecutor to arrange where you are going to be imprisoned. There are five people in the car, it will cost you 10 thousand pesos in fines per person, 30 thousand for the tow truck and 50 thousand for the tax. The least you have to give me is 30 thousand pesos,” Russe supposedly told the motorist, according to the driver’s own statements that appear in the file that was worked together with the Judicial Division of Regional Unit II and the Control Agency. Police.

In the middle of the discussion, Marina Drunday She began to convulse in the passenger seat and her family members tried to revive her without success. According to the motorist’s story, the agents did not let him leave the scene towards a hospital, until the man ignored it and got into the car anyway and started off to assist his wife.

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Russe and Barragán’s patrol car “escorted” him to the Eva Perón hospital in Granadero Baigorria, where Marina was admitted to the intensive care unit with a diagnosis of a stroke. product of severe arterial hypertension.

The patrol car’s tracking of the Renault 19 to the hospital was confirmed by the GPS of the police cell phone, which showed that this vehicle was stopped at the door of the health center for 33 minutes: from 2:55 to 3:28 on November 10, 2021. In the place, Russe told the driver not to worry about the car and left. “I’ll fix everything at the police station,” he assured her.

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Marina Drunday died in hospital on November 18, 2021 from a multi-organ failureaccording to the death certificate.

Russian He was already sentenced in another abbreviated procedure approved on January 25. In his case, the sentence of 3 years and four months in prisonl. He also admitted having wanted to bribe Jonatan Almada in August 2022, arrested as one of the organizers of a drug dealing gang in the Ludueña neighborhood.


2024-03-14 11:50:00

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