Drowning on the beach: already 4 bodies identified out of the 9 found – AGP 2024-03-14 11:44:06

by time news

Libreville, March 14, 2024 (AGP) – Following the drowning that occurred on Sunday March 10, the national police forces found 9 lifeless bodies, 4 of which have already been identified by the competent services, indicates a press release from the Ministry of the Interior and Security received by the AGP.

Since Monday March 11, 2024, the services of the Defense and Security Forces among others, Police, Gendarmerie and Firefighters have found 9 lifeless bodies all along the coast, starting from the beach of the Lycée national Léon Mba in Owendo.

The technical and scientific police, by carrying out the usual findings, were able to formally identify 4 bodies.

According to the press release, these are:

– MBA EYA Jacques, aged 13, student, domiciled in the Pompidou city;

– OBAME ABAGA, aged 14, student, domiciled in Awendjé;

– PENDI TEBEU Keurly, aged 15, student in 5th grade;

– PENDI MASSALA Branly, aged 16, 5th year student, all Gabonese nationals.

The identification of the 5 other remains continues, according to authorities.

At the origin of this drowning, according to the Gabonese authorities: “For several days, the marine coastline of our country has been experiencing tidal increases linked to climate change. This disruption, which is manifested, among other things, by an unusual rise in tides, has very unfortunately resulted in loss of human life,” the said press release specifies.

Faced with this tragedy which affects several Gabonese families, the transitional government joins in this pain and presents to the parents of the victims, via this press release, its deep condolences and its deep compassion.

In view of the above, and while waiting for more favorable weather conditions for frequenting the body of water, the Minister of the Interior and Security calls on everyone to be more vigilant and careful.


2024-03-14 11:44:06

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