If we lose our past, we won’t have a future either! 2024-03-14 20:09:19

by time news

The group was first established in 1999 with the aim of preserving the ancient culture, which is now on the verge of extinction among the Csángos, but still breathes here and there, as artistic director András Doma put it. The Tavaszi Szél Egyesület was founded by Csangó Hungarians from Forrófalv and Nagypatak. Since 2022, they have been operating in a Hungarian house bought by the traveling group of the Hungarian Folk College Collegium and renovated with the support of the Hungarian state. It is not the first time they are in Hungary, March 13-18. this time they will perform in eight settlements. After Ráceresztúr in Fejér county, on Thursday in Csákvár, the story of the Moldavian csángos was presented in dance and song, thus saluting the Hungarian revolution of 1848-49.

– The Hungarians of Csangó are now experiencing a kind of rebirth, which is why we joined this Hungarian national holiday. On this occasion, we put together a program in which we also present the history of the Csangó people – said András Doma, who spoke at length about how a people can lose their culture through, among other things, “language loss”, which is partly from the language of the surrounding peoples – in the case of the Csangós, the it is rooted in the proliferation of Romanian and Russian – borrowed idioms and the increasingly rare use of the ancient language. – The Csángós – pointed out Kis Boáz, managing director of the Hungarian People’s University Collegium, former Csákvár Reformed pastor – in spite of the fact that they live isolated in a “Romanian sea”, they have preserved their centuries-old ancient language and traditions. This should be an example for us Hungarians to survive in the ever more aggressively spreading Western culture, he added.

Unfortunately, this type of survival is not so clear among the Csangós today. At least that’s how András Doma sees it, whose own children don’t even speak Hungarian when they go home, even though he taught them this language. – They don’t use Hungarian at school and in everyday life, they have lost the language. This may not be so painful, but I realized that they also lost the values. That’s why we have to teach Hungarian and Hungarian so that this doesn’t happen! – said András Doma, who also pointed out that the lives of the Csángos were determined for centuries by traditions, ancient culture and rules. – These are now very worn and if we don’t preserve them, they will be completely lost. And if we lose our past, we will have no future! – concluded the artistic director.

2024-03-14 20:09:19

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