Clear Monday: How the weather will develop over the three days

by time news

With sunshine, some local clouds and showers in certain areas, the three days of Clean Monday will pass. However, the instability of the weather is not expected to affect the departure of the excursions and the carnival events in most regions of the country, while on Clean Monday the meteorologists predict sunshine and small chances of rain.

Specifically, according to ANT1 meteorologist Tasos Arniakos for tomorrow Friday (15/3) we are waiting local fogs and few clouds, denser in Eastern Macedonia, Thrace and the islands of the northern and eastern Aegean, with local rains and sporadic storms which in the afternoon will extend mainly to the mountains of the mainland.

At the same time, weak variable northwesters are expected winds 3-4 Beaufort on the seas.

THE temperature it will rise slightly, except for eastern Macedonia and Thrace, and will reach 15-16 degrees in the north and 18-19 in the rest of the regions.

In Attica we are waiting sunshine with few clouds which will thicken and with local rains mainly in the surrounding mountains. The winds they will be weak, variable, 3-4 Beaufort and h temperature it will range from 9 to 18 degrees.

The Saturday (16/3) we are waiting thin clouds which will thicken with local rains and rain in the afternoon and afternoon mainly in the mountains. At the same time, they are foreseen light winds and rising mercury.

Enough sunshine with some local clouds will prevail tomorrow Friday (15/3), according to meteorologist Sakis Arnautoglou.

After noon scattered showers will occur in the northeast, in Halkidiki, in mountainous areas of Macedonia, Thessaly and Sterea, in the Cyclades, in Crete and in the southeastern islands. Quite fickle the weather will remain throughout the day in the area of ​​Lesvos. The winds they will blow northwesterly in the west and in the south at 4 to 5 Beaufort. THE temperature during the day it will reach 18 degrees Celsius in several continental and island areas.

In Attica will have enough sunshine. Them afternoon hours they might manifest you can in the north and mountains. The winds weakened, they will blow at 2 to 4 Beaufort, while h temperature it will range from 8 to 17 degrees Celsius.

In Central Macedonia enough will prevail sunshine. Them afternoons hours may occur local rains of short duration in the mountains. The winds they will not exceed 2 to 4 Beaufort, while h temperature it will range from 8 to 17 degrees Celsius.

The Saturday (16/3) local showers will occur in the eastern and northern Peloponnese, while on Sunday (17/3) these will be located in several continental areas, in the Iptane Islands and Crete.

Her Clean Monday (18/3) there will be plenty of sunshine almost everywhere.

The weather forecaster said that the weather will not pose a problem for the excursionists during the three days of Holy Monday Clearchos Marousakis. The meteorologist explained that there will be an instability which may become generalized on Halloween Sunday.

For tomorrow Friday (15/3) Mr. Marousakis said that the afternoon hours some will manifest you can mainly in mountainous regions of the Mainland as well as in the interior of Crete and Thrace. Winds will not be a problem and the temperature will be unchanged.

For Saturday (16/3) the weatherman said they would prevail good weather conditions most of the day. The afternoon will manifest itself again instability mainly in the mountainous areas, in the highlands of Thessaloniki, the central mainland, Crete we will have some showers and local storms.

Her Halloween Sunday (17/3) the day will start with thin clouds in many areas and at noon the clouds will increase. In the interior of the mainland and Crete but also towards the northwest Aegean we will meet you can or also local storms. These phenomena will manifest themselves mainly on afternoon hours.

Her Clean Monday (18/3) The weather it seems that is improving. Instability is limited in the morning to the south, southeast sea sections and some you can will manifest the afternoon and again to Mountainous Areas. However, Clean Monday will have the best weather conditions and the least chance of rain of all the days of the three days.

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