The challenges of cancer management in the company

by time news

2024-03-15 09:10:07

Every year more than 280,000 cases of cancer are diagnosed in Spain, many of them in people who are actively working. Companies face the challenges of an illness that requires a corporate culture that accompanies the employee in the process, with policies related to both psychological help and the promotion of physical activity.

Actions detailed in the guide “Cancer in the Company II: Current challenges facing the most diagnosed cancers”second edition of a project by the company Cigna Healthcare Spain on addressing cancer in organizations.

The pandemic has meant that “the health and well-being of workers has become one of the main objectives of Human Resources departments. This objective becomes a priority in the case of employees with cancer and, therefore, specific training in this disease is essential within the corporate culture,” the guide points out.

Four key moments

Companies must accompany the employee at all times. There are four key moments: anticipation, diagnosis, treatment and return to work.

Image from the Cancer in the Company Guide. Photo provided

Legal support for the worker

There are employees who, when they receive a cancer diagnosis, decide to continue working, so it must be made easier to harmonize treatment with work, providing them with options such as reduced hours, teleworking or any other adjustment that allows them to continue with the company’s work activity. simpler and more efficient way.

In addition, respect your right to be absent from your workplace to go to the doctor and undergo the respective medical tests.

In the event that the employee receives any retaliation for his condition and his services are terminated, discrimination due to illness would be incurred and the dismissal would be null and void.

If the worker’s state of health does not allow him to continue with his work obligations, the doctor will prescribe a certificate of temporary disability that can last for 12 months, extendable to 6 more months.

Once this period has expired, they will be discharged. Among their legal options, the employee can request a leave of absence or, if they have been on leave for more than 18 months, request permanent disability, which will be decided by the National Social Security Institute.

Other company challenges for employees with cancer

Rest and self-care

The treatments and the disease itself generate physical consequences, such as fatigue, but also psychological ones, a change of priorities where personal care takes first place.

Promote, from the company, “the effective teaching of self-care behaviors stimulates the autonomy and quality of life of patients, which reinforces their self-confidence and increases their physical and psychological well-being,” the guide points out.

It is also advisable to provide greater time flexibility to reconcile work, family and treatment, consider reorganizing tasks, respect moments of rest and make a private area available to the employee where they can regain strength or take their medication.

Nutritional plan

Companies should facilitate access to healthy menus based on the Mediterranean diet (fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains and fish), avoiding offering products with excessive energy intake that contribute to the development of obesity, diabetes or hypertension.

For employees with special situations of dietary limitations, according to the guide, it is advisable to offer dietary alternatives in the daily menu, as well as permissiveness in the frequency of consumption, allowing a greater number of breaks to have small snacks throughout the day. .

EFE/Kai Försterling

Activity and physical exercise plan

The practice of exercise in people with cancer improves cardiovascular activity, increases muscle strength and reduces levels of stress, fatigue and depression.

Promoting initiatives that promote physical activity and sport in employees, such as encouraging people to travel to the workplace on foot or by bicycle, or financing gym memberships are some of the actions that can be implemented.

Anti-tobacco plan

To help the employee in his intention to quit tobacco, companies must support him and facilitate his medical treatment. In addition, they can implement a follow-up and results monitoring program, create support groups for smokers and ex-smokers, and promote sports activities.


Emotional well-being plan

Cancer has an emotional impact, generating fear and uncertainty but also anxiety disorder and post-traumatic stress due to fear of relapse.

The return to the company of the employee with cancer can be a positive step to normalize life and regain self-confidence, but it is also one of the challenges since it can be a worry.

Companies, according to the Cigna Healthcare Spain document, have the possibility of facilitating the adaptation process of their employees from different angles, providing psychological assistance and other instruments that help employees manage their emotions, such as facilitating a progressive incorporation process. , information and communication, as well as spaces for self-care.

Skin care plan

Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are the most used treatments for cancer. One of its most common side effects is causing skin alterations.

The work environment directly affects the skin. If the person works outdoors, they must always wear sun protection factor SPF 50+ to protect themselves from the sun, as well as wear physical barriers by using hats, sunglasses, long sleeves, etc.

Skin problems can be aggravated if work is carried out in a humid environment or in
contact with dirt or dangerous substances.

In these situations, it is essential to provide the worker with specific guidelines and materials (gloves, moisturizing products, cleansers…) to properly protect and care for their skin.

#challenges #cancer #management #company

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