Haninge Municipality terminates agreement with Rysseviken emergency accommodation due to dirt, bed bugs, and drug abuse

by time news



Dirt, bed bugs and open drug abuse.

Now Haninge municipality is terminating the agreement with the Rysseviken emergency accommodation.

– We cannot stand behind this, says area manager Maria Porshage.

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fullscreen chevron-rightnext Dried dirt and grime on the floor in one of the rooms in the residence.

1 / 2Photo: Magnus Wennman

Haninge municipality has identified a wide range of shortcomings in Rysseviken’s operations.

– These include pests, food that is not handled correctly, inadequate fire protection and poor staff continuity, says Maria Porshage, area manager for individual and family care at the municipality.

On Wednesday, the decision was made to terminate Rysseviken’s agreement.

– The situation is so serious that we cannot continue. We have reached the end of the road.


full screenMaria Porshage, area manager for individual and family care at the municipality. Photo: Haninge Municipality

“Have tried to find a solution”

Aftonbladet has been able to report that there have been alarms about the situation at Rysseviken for several years. The fact that it took so long for the municipality to act is because there was intensive work to bring about an improvement, according to Maria Porshage.

– It is not that we have not taken measures. We have carried out inspection visits and we have issued warnings.

– We have tried to find a solution with those responsible for operations.

So is it a coincidence that this happens shortly after we at Aftonbladet started asking questions about the accommodation?

– Yes, we have been working on this continuously. It is a highly topical issue.

Have had the F tax slip withdrawn

Rysseviken is run by the company Gysingeupplesseser AB. In September 2022, the company’s F tax slip was revoked. The reason was that CEO Leif Wästfelt did not submit his income tax return.

– I’ve messed with it so terribly. I’ve probably been a little depressed, he told Aftonbladet this summer.

A few months later, the CEO was fined for accounting offenses after he prepared the annual report over half a year late.

Despite the fact that Gysingeupplesseser AB has a turnover of millions, the company has no employees. Haninge municipality has asked questions about this, and received the answer that the staff work for another company. However, several sources tell Aftonbladet that it happens that the residents are allowed to manage the operation in exchange for food and housing.

– I haven’t heard of it, but there is so much uncertainty out there so I don’t think it is too unlikely that it worked that way, says Maria Porshage.

The choice: Rysseviken or the street

The contract’s notice period is three months. During that period, the municipality will try to find other solutions for the 10–15 people who are now placed at Rysseviken.

– These are people who for one reason or another are there voluntarily, says Porshage.

– We cannot force anyone to move, but we must work to motivate them and offer good alternatives.

For a large part of the residents, surely the choice has only been between Rysseviken or the street?

– Yes, and that contributes to making this so complex. It is about some of the most vulnerable people in our society. At the same time, they are adults who get to make their own decisions.

– But we must do everything we can to solve this in the best way possible.

Aftonbladet has been in contact with CEO Leif Wästfelt. He has declined to comment on the municipality’s decision.


full screenRysseviken is a so-called low-threshold housing that prepares a place for those who would otherwise end up on the street. Photo: Andreas Bardell

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