“Precondition.” Milei issued a warning to the governors after the rejection of the DNU and spoke of new disbursements from the IMF. The President said that the actions of the Senate leave “some doubts” about moving forward with the May Pact, but he was hopeful about the treatment in Deputies; He indicated that shipments from the fund and from other countries are evaluated

by times news cr

After the last 48 hours of high tension, and given the half-rejection that the DNU 70President Javier Miley He spoke this Friday, the day after the treatment in the Senate, and ventured that the legislators’ position leaves “any doubts” about the proactive attitude towards the May Pact that he proposed at the opening of ordinary sessions. He warned, then, that it is a “precondition” To sign this agreement, Congress must approve at least the new omnibus law, whose draft of 269 articles is already circulating among legislators and governors. Likewise, the president sought to clear the information in off that he is going through a bad moment in his relationship with his vice, Victoria Villarrueland referred to possible new disbursements from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

In the same line as his spokesperson did Manuel Adorni On Thursday, the President indicated that there was a “malicious interpretation” of the media when considering the statement that his office issued while parliamentary work was taking place as a blow to Villarruel and it was defined that the DNU was going to be discussed in the Senate, something that the Casa Rosada did not want. “The cannon shot went to the caste, not to Victoria”, Milei stated in Radio La Red.

He then made another charge against the press, stating that There are media “very interested in breaking and hitting against the Government”, despite the fact that the friction with his vice came out of his closest circle since his Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francosconsidered “a mistake” by number two to have “given in to the pressures” of the opposition and enabled the discussion of the megadecree.

Meanwhile, the President called “very pretty” he video that Villarruel recorded after the rejection in the Upper House, in which he assured that his commitment to Argentina and to Milei himself was “unwavering,” but he stressed that he was not going to negotiate the institutionality. “She also states and makes this clear: we always knew that the task was not going to be easy and we have not been doing this for two days; We have been fighting this fight for years. Besides, there is an absolutely unbalanced situation in the Senate,” said the president, who said that the majority’s vote against was “expected.”

He even assured that when the Government is analyzed, the restrictions it has are often not taken into account. “We are calm because we know how this type of thing works and we try to do the best job. We have a north marked, let’s go there. An obstacle appears, and I am going to pass it and move towards the objective. The central axis is to give greater economic freedom to Argentines,” said the libertarian leader, who was hopeful about how the megadecree can move in the Deputies. “The DNU is still in force and now we have to move on to the Chamber of Deputies. We have already had positive results there, so we will have to fight and we are confident that we can succeed.”, frame.

Going forward, the President also called attention to the governorswhen he said that the May Pact depends on the approval of the omnibus law, which already failed once and will re-enter Congress but in a simplified manner. “It is a precondition. The May Pact has ten economic points and the Base Law is linked to a reform on economic issues, they are linked. It is difficult for one to determine ten policies that will be the basis of a prosperous Argentina if we do not agree on the fiscal issue.“Milei summarized the issue of funds, which is sensitive for provincial leaders.

According to what he said, the attitude of the legislators “leaves some doubts” to move forward with this process. “The May Pact has stages and the previous stage is the Base Law, with reconstruction of Chapter 4 [el fiscal]. So, what happened in the Senate raises some doubts. But when I presented the speech to the legislative assembly I said: ‘If they want confrontation, there will be. If they want an agreement, let’s go for the agreement.’ Yesterday they did not show they were going down the path of agreement, they decided to go for obstruction and keep their privileges”, he warned.

However, as a positive point, the libertarian leader He appreciated that the ruling party reached 25 accessions in the Upper House, where it has only seven representatives. The rejection scored 42.

Meanwhile, the President responded to the social leader Juan Grabois, who recommended that he stay away from Macrismo and be careful with his vice president. “They are going to use you as a butcher, they’re going to turn you around and they are going to throw you on the grill when they have set the country on fire,” the opposition leader told him, to which Milei replied: “They said it was not going to last 15 days and we have been there for three months. They don’t seem to know me. The gladiator never gives up.”

On the economic level, the president showed intentions to move towards a new understanding with the FMI, which monitors the Argentine program. “In three months of management we have reduced the deficit by 11 points, there is no historical record of that, which It positions us for a new agreement and in a favorable position. It could contemplate disbursements from the IMF and other countries, and move towards currency competition with the peso,” he said.

On the other hand, he supported Marco Lavagna in his role as head of Indecin the face of criticism from the trucker leader Pablo Moyano, who questioned the inflation figures published by the organization. “Lavagna’s management is impeccable. Marco has absolute honesty. What happened to Moyano is very sad,” he indicated, while announcing that His government is working on a project to make Indec independent.

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