Bulgaria took a decisive step towards a modern and European social system – 2024-03-16 16:18:49

by times news cr

2024-03-16 16:18:49

The outgoing Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Ivanka Shalapatova, reported on the work of her office since the beginning of its mandate nine months ago. This was announced by the press center of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy (MLSP). Regarding a number of policies, Bulgaria has taken a decisive step towards a modern, European social system and a clear understanding of the new realities of the labor market both in the country and abroad, the minister said in resignation.

For the first time Bulgaria has a plan for early childhood development, Shalapatova pointed out and added that for the first time there is also a Strategy for the development of human resources in the social sphere. “We are increasing the wages of social workers, something that has been delayed for a long time,” commented the outgoing social minister, adding that the increase in the minimum wage and pensions was ahead of inflation.

For the first time in six years, parents of disabled children have received an increase in support for raising them. A total of 3,000 people with disabilities will receive high-tech medical devices – something that has also never been done before, reported Ivanka Shalapatova. She recalled that new mechanisms have been created to assist disaster victims, which are already working quickly and efficiently.

In the labor market, last year we facilitated the attraction of 25,000 foreign workers, compared to 10,000 in the previous year. We are working on easing the administrative and procedural burden for employers when hiring highly qualified labor from abroad, said the minister in resignation and added that more than 45,000 inactive people are activated on the labor market, who otherwise neither study nor work. Shalapatova also recalled the launch of the digital skills training program, which should cover half a million people in two years.

We are ready with a plan for the challenges of the green transition in the Mariska basin. We are expanding the horizon for the social economy, the social minister said in a resignation letter quoted by the ministry’s press center.

In her words, internationally, Bulgaria has stood on the map of making social and labor policy of the European Union, and never before have our labor attachés been so active. “We haven’t had more information days and career forums abroad to attract the Bulgarian diaspora back to Bulgaria,” commented Shalapatova.

None of this would have been possible if we did not work in complete synchronization not only with our administration, but also with the other ministries, she pointed out and emphasized that she considers placing the person, the market and the market at the center of her efforts as her greatest achievement. our economy as it is here and now.

The report of the resigned minister Ivanka Shalapatova is in the form of a video published on the official Facebook page of the Ministry of Social Affairs.

Continuation of the policy to raise incomes and improve social support are priorities of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, Ivanka Shalapatova said during the report on the government’s achievements for the nine months, which was presented to the Council of Ministers on March 8. She pointed out that these two priorities are strategic and will be a “guiding light” for the Ministry in the months leading up to the end of the year.

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