The blame was taken at the political level and led to resignations

by time news

“The investigation highlighted the responsibilities, the responsibilities were taken at the political level and led to resignations. When something bad happens, the prime minister intervenes,” the Minister of State emphasized Makis Voridis, commenting on her case leakage of e-mail.

Mr. Borides however, she spoke of an excellent route Annas Michelle Asimakopoulou, who announced yesterday that she will not be a candidate for European Parliament again, after the reactions caused by the case.

“The Lady Asimakopoulou had a great ride. He had defended the nation’s interests in the European Parliament like few others. Yes, what was done was not right, but it is a point on a great positive path. This mistake cannot eliminate an undoubtedly positive political path,” he told SKAI. According to Mr. Borides, “Regardless of the investigations carried out by the authorities, the Prime Minister had said that he would conduct his own investigation. The audit was completed, the manner in which the e-mails were delivered to Ms Asimakopoulou and a specific person is involved, the secretary of Hellenism abroad of the ND, who resigned”. In any case, he denied that the Niki Kerameos had anything to do with the case.

“Based on the Law on Foreign Residents and electoral law, candidates and parties have access to this information, the electoral roll. They do not have access to e-mails and mobile phones. An access, which was used, badly, for reasons of political communication. They were immediately impeached by the decision of the Prime Minister himself,” he said.

For the economic program of SYRIZA

For his economic program SYRIZA, Mr. Borides estimated that “the SYRIZA program costs 40 billion euros. Anyone who disagrees that the SYRIZA program costs 40 billion should go to General Accounting Office”.
“They are gratuitous and have no relation and contact with reality. We’re going back to her time bankruptcy and of memoranda. It literally shows irrelevance. Citizens have experience, they have experienced what inexpensive promises mean. The citizens already know and that’s why they reject the expansionary programs,” he added.

Referring to the new minimum wage, the Minister of State emphasized that “the emphasis of the previous four years was to reduce taxes, the emphasis now is to increase income.”

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