Cold soup diet to lose weight: reduces belly inflammation, detoxifies and loses weight

by time news

2024-03-15 21:16:00

The cold soup diet It can be done at any time of the year. Although it is ideal for losing a few extra kilos, the truth is that it must be accompanied by a good cardiovascular exercise routineadequate hydration, as well as hours of rest to obtain the desired results, since it does not work magic on its own.

If you like show off a great body On your next vacation, apply yourself with cold soup diet for accelerate weight loss, is so effective that it has become popular on social networks like Instagram and TikTok. Here we tell you how to follow it to the letter.

How many kilos can you lose with the cold soup diet?

Although the amount of kilos you can lose when doing the cold soup diet varies depending on your metabolismas well as the physical activity you do, some people claim that it is possible to lose between three to five kilos in a week.

Photo: iStock

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However, it is important to note that much of this lost weight may be water and not necessarily fat. Also, remember that it is not so healthy to lose a considerable amount of weight in a short time because it causes electrolyte imbalances, malnutrition, muscle weakness, damage to vital organs and heart problems, as described experts from the Cleveland Clinic Medical Institute.

The cold soup diet It is only recommended in emergency cases, but not as a nutritional plan to follow for a longer term. Prolonged use could cause insufficient intake of protein and other essential nutrients, causing nutritional deficiencies.

How many calories do you consume in a serving of cold soup?

In a portion of cold soup which is designed for lose weightyou could consume around 100 and 150 calories, which makes it a light and nutritious option to keep you satiated for longer, avoiding falling into temptations.

Photo: iStock

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Importantly, for those following such a diet, portion control and the inclusion of a variety of nutritious ingredients are essential to ensure that the body receives the necessary nutrients while reducing the total caloric consumption.

If you want to try the cold soup diethere we share how to do it so as not to exceed calories. I assure you she tastes delicious!

How to make cold soup to lose weight?

This option, in addition to being effective, is fresh, ideal for the hot season. Write down the ingredients well and enjoy!

You will need to:

  • 2 large cucumbers, peeled and seeded
  • 1 cup plain low-fat or Greek yogurt
  • 1 clove garlic, peeled
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Mint sprigs (optional, to decorate)
  • Cold water, as needed to adjust consistency

Photo: iStock

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Preparation mode:

  • Preparation of the cucumbers: cut the cucumbers into thick pieces. If you prefer a milder soup, you can leave a few strips of the skin to add a touch of color.
  • Mix the ingredients: in a blender, combine the cucumber pieces, natural yogurt, garlic clove, and lemon juice. Blend until you obtain a homogeneous and smooth mixture.
  • Refrigeration: To intensify the flavors and ensure the soup is very cold, refrigerate it for at least 1 hour before serving.
  • Serve: Serve the cold soup in bowls, garnishing with mint to give it a touch of freshness.
  • Now that you know how to prepare cold soup delicious for lose weight, apply yourself to shaping your silhouette. Eye! Do not follow the diet for more than a week, take good care of yourself and always consult your nutritionist if it is an appropriate option for your dietary needs.

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