science in practice and sustainability in a school in PR

by time news

School Day is celebrated this March 15th. The date is a tribute to the school institution that provides training in basic education, as well as reinforces the right to education for everyone.

At school, students learn different types of knowledge and develop cognitive skills essential for their education. Scientific initiatives have been applied to projects developed by students themselves with guidance from teachers. In these works, useful technologies are created for the community.

No interior of Paranáin the city of Londrina (PR), the Science Club of Colégio Estadual Machado de Assis involves the school community to develop sustainable work and put learning into practice.

Brasil Escola spoke with the professionals involved in the initiative that seeks to emphasize the protagonism of children and young people in the learning process.

Read too: Project developed by students transforms cooking oil into biofuel for school buses

Science in practice in the school environment

The Science Club is an initiative of the Machado de Assis State College in Londrina (PR). The project began due to the interest of students enthusiastic about science and innovationand so the club received the sponsorship of teachers, says Giulio Wilgner Ferreira, the educator who created the club’s experimental activities.

The club’s objective is to develop scientific skills based on creativity, solving everyday problems, sustainability, as well as social well-being, says director Edmar Lorenson.

Giulio explains, in the video below, how the Science Club works:

Activities are held three times a week at lunchtime, from 12:20 pm to 12:50 pm. Students work in pairs or trios, according to the topics of their interest. In this way, research projects are developed with dialogue and continuous guidance from teachers.

In the Life Project discipline, part of the school’s comprehensive education, students discuss professional aspects and share their interests in choosing a higher education course. For the Science Club, those who are interested in professional, scientific and laboratory areas participate.

As a result, the club’s projects are aimed at Biomedicine, Chemical, Physical e Pharmacy. The work begins with the reading and discussion of scientific articles on certain topics. This way, students themselves decide what they want to work on.

After discussing the articles, scientific methodologies are applied in practice to achieve the objectives defined in each project. Thus, experimental activities involving the handling of specific equipment are carried out alongside data collection and procedures to ensure the reliability of the results.

For student Giovana Misaki, participating in the club is enriching and fun.

“I was able to get involved in all stages of the work. From research and identification of the problem situation, to the elaboration of the hypothesis and the development of experimental apparatus. Another fundamental detail that contributes so much to my training was that I participated in several extra activities, such as scientific dissemination work, participation in events and publication of proceedings”

Giovana Misaki, student

As a way of sharing what is being done at the Science Club, students participate in different events, such as the FBIC in Santa Catarina and the Scientific Activity Meeting in Londrina.

Look: What is scientific initiation and how does it work?

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Sustainable projects developed by the Science Club

Check out some of the sustainable projects created by students Science Club participants:

  • Silver nanoparticle coated with rosemary and lemon essential oil, which has antibacterial properties;

  • Silica nanoparticle aimed at drug encapsulation;

  • Low-cost bioplastic using starch and vinegar, driven by graphite electrolysis.

Distiller, developed at the club, extracts essential oils from lemon and rosemary.
Credit: Disclosure.

Formed by a group made up only of girls, the starch and vinegar bioplastic production project was the winner in the Smart City category at IDEATHON Paraná 2023. The award praises innovative and scientific projects developed by students in the state.

What is sustainability?

Sustainability is a principle that seeks a balance between natural resources and their exploitation by society, says professor Rafaela Sousa in this article. article.

The objective is to maintain a balance, ensuring the preservation of the environment and what it can contribute to people’s quality of life. Therefore, sustainable initiatives are those that act on alternative uses of resources that value their preservation, thus avoiding their depletion in nature, explains the educator.

Also check out: What is and what are the objectives of sustainable development

By Lucas Afonso

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