???? The latest news from Javier Milei, LIVE: opening of the stocks, new Omnibus law and May Pact

by time news

2024-03-17 14:48:11

  • The ruling party redoubles the pressure on the opposition deputies for the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU): “They will have to choose “if they want Kirchnerism or transformation.”
  • The Government foresees a rebound in the economy for the second semester and gave a strong warning to the opposition.
  • The Government advances with the cutout and wants to eliminate the Youth Institute: in 2023 he received $1443 million, as anticipated TN.
  • In the midst of the negotiations for the DNU and the Omnibus Law, the president Javier Miley charged against the Buenos Aires governor, Axel Kicillof, due to the tax increase.

The latest news from Javier Milei, LIVE

The radical senators showed Javier Milei that caste does not exist

March 17, 2024, 11:30 a.m.

The radical senators showed Javier Milei that caste does not exist (Photo: AP – Natacha Pisarenko).

By Marcos Novaro. Question: what political party meets the double condition of being the one that the President hates more, and the one who contributed more votes in the Senate to support your precious DNU 70/2023? Answer: the UCR.

Of the 25 senators who endorsed the famous decree, 6 were contributed by the LLA, another 6 came from the PRO and no less than 10 were active in radicalism, because only two of those who make up that bench ended up voting against it and one abstained.

The Government redoubles the pressure on opposition deputies for the DNU: “They will have to choose if they want Kirchnerism or transformation”

March 17, 2024, 10:51 a.m.

Strong pressure from Martín Menem on opposition deputies for the mega DNU (Photo: Chamber of Deputies press).

The next step of the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) in Congress will be in the Chamber of Deputies after the rejection in the Senate and the president of the Lower House, Martin Menem, redoubled the pressure opposition legislators to support the mega decree: “They are going to have to choose “if they want Kirchnerism or transformation.”

Menem sent a strong message to the deputies: “A setback with the DNU would be play the game to Kirchnerism, while ratifying it would be leaving Kirchnerism behind, in the past, which has done so much damage to Argentina. Because they act distracted, They say that things are bad or that they start with criticism, they talk about institutionality, but they governed 16 of the last 20 years, in fact the previous president (Alberto Fernández), who was the worst management of history”, in statements to Radio Rivadavia.

The fund linked to Grabois: there were 877 works in progress and the money in cash is only enough for half

March 17, 2024, 10:26 a.m.

The fund linked to Juan Grabois: there were 877 works in progress and the money in cash is only enough for half of them (Photo: TN).

Upon leaving office on December 10, 2023, Fernanda Miño, the former secretary of Socio-Urban Integration and a leader very close to Juan Grabois, left running or approved without starting 877 works in popular neighborhoods throughout the country. These are projects financed through the Socio-Urban Integration Fund (FISU), which the Government of Javier Milei audits for alleged irregularities in the allocation and use of its funds.

A good part of those works that were left unfinished are far from being finished: 195 were left in a 0% Meanwhile he 28,4% below 50% physical progress, according to official data accessed TN through a request for access to public information with a deadline of February 2024.

The Senate’s gnocchi were erased and are in more danger than “Chocolate” Muguerza

March 17, 2024, 09:49 a.m.

The gnocchi of the Buenos Aires Senate were erased and are in more danger than “Chocolate” Muguerza (Photo: TN).

All owners of debit cards that they had to declare this week in the “Chocolate cause” were missing. These are six of the 39 lend names of the Buenos Aires Senate that allowed their salaries to be collected by Josefina Ortellado and Hugo Muguerza, the new “chocolates” of this story that began with Julio Segundo Rigau and his 48 cards of trucho Deputies employees.

The prosecutor, Betina Lacki, waited in her office on March 12 and 13 for Yamila Benzo, Brisa Novillo, Jonatan Villegas, Daniela Ileana Salamanco, Víctor Uribe and Karina Saraqui, six owners of Senate cards whom she had summoned to testify as witnesses. . But all missed, advised by the defenders assigned to them.

Against his will, Javier Milei governs with the limits set by Congress

March 17, 2024, 09:23 a.m.

Against his will, Javier Milei governs with the limits set by Congress (Photo: Reuters).

By Edgardo Alfano. It seems to have taken three months of his government and the parliamentary rejection of his most beloved projects for the president Javier Miley begin to show signs of openness to dialogue already searching for consensus.

That does not mean that he has abandoned the DNA that took him to the Casa Rosada, and even less his active and hot participation in social networks, sometimes reproducing aggressive comments against the opposition or journalism.

Social movements return to the streets while the Government evaluates removing the plan from those who picket

March 17, 2024, 08:55 a.m.

At a press conference at the Obelisk, social organizations and picketers announced the start of a new fighting plan (Photo: UTEP).

The social movements grouped in the Popular Economy Workers Union (UTEP) and left-wing spaces called for a “national picket” for this Monday, March 18, while the national government evaluates new anti-picketing measures.

Since 10:00 on Monday, the protesters will block five access points to the City of Buenos Aires – among them, the Pueyrredón Bridge – and announce “more than 500 cuts and mobilizations in all the country”.

The Government foresees a rebound in the economy for the second semester and gave a warning to the opposition

March 17, 2024, 08:30 a.m.

The Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, said that in the second half of the year there will be “a brutal rebound in the economy” (Photo: Leandro Heredia / TN VideoLab).

The Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, said that in the second half of the year there will be “a brutal rebound of the economy” and came out to give a strong warning to the opposition. The official considered that in that period “inflation will continue to fall” if they manage to “keep the fiscal surplus strong” and that as soon as the president Javier Miley “decide that it is time to get out of the exchange rate trap, economic activity will grow strongly.”

Francos said that in the second half of the year “the economy is going to grow in an incredible way for many people” and questioned: “Many doomsayers Those who are debating the DNU today are going to realize that Argentina’s problem was this illusion that we lived for many years that spending could be financed with monetary emission and debt,” in statements to The voice of the interior, after the rejection of the Decree of Necessity and Urgency in the Senate.

The Government advances with the cut and wants to eliminate the Youth Institute: in 2023 it received $1,443 million

March 17, 2024, 08:04 a.m.

The Government wants to eliminate the Youth Institute: Macri created it in 2018 and in 2023 it received $1,443 million (Photo: INJUVE).

The Government wants eliminate the National Youth Institute (INJUVE), an organization that received $1.443.965.594 in 2023 under the management of Alberto Fernandez. It is a decentralized entity that fell under the orbit of the Ministry of Human Capital that has the objective of “promoting the development of social policies aimed at young people between 15 and 29 years old.”

As far as he could know TN, The Executive would remove its current structure so that it can carry out functions no designations in the ownership of the addresses. It joins the list of the National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism (INADI) and the National Institute of Indigenous Affairs (INAI).

Kirchnerism closed ranks with Kicillof and threatened to go to court for Espert’s tax rebellion

March 17, 2024, 07:23 a.m.

Kirchnerism closed ranks with Axel Kicillof and threatened to go to court for José Luis Espert’s tax rebellion (Photo: NA – Damián Dopacio).

Kirchnerism closed ranks with the governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, and warns of going to court against the deputy of La Libertad Avanza, José Luis Espert, for inciting tax rebellion after he called not to pay ARBA Real Estate and Automotive.

The former Minister of Security, Aníbal Fernández, cited the legislator’s statements and expressed in X: “Again against the opposition. The issue is that it is clearly typified in the Penal Code. ARTICLE 230. – The following will be punished with imprisonment of one to four years: 2. Those who rise up publicly to prevent the execution of national or provincial laws or the resolutions of national or provincial public officials, when the act does not constitute another crime. severely effort for this one.”

In the midst of the negotiations for the DNU and the Omnibus Law, Milei charged against Kicillof for raising taxes

March 17, 2024, 06:50 a.m.

In the midst of the negotiations for the DNU and the Omnibus Law, Javier Milei charged against Axel Kicillof for the tax increase (Photo: TN).

In the midst of the negotiations for the DNU and the Omnibus Law, the president Javier Miley He redoubled his criticism against the Buenos Aires governor, Axel Kicillof. This time it was for the tax increases in the province of Buenos Aires. The President shared the statements of the official deputy on his networks José Luis Espert, in which he targeted the Buenos Aires president and called not to pay ARBA Real Estate and Automotive.

“It seems that when he talks about property rights, the governor does not understand that raising net taxes is a rape of property rights. It may be confused because he read a certain Alberti (I assume nothing to do with our history) instead of Alberdi,” said the head of state in his X account.

“The course is not negotiated”: Martín Menem called on the deputies not to turn their backs on Javier Milei’s mega DNU

March 17, 2024, 05:49 a.m.

“The course is not negotiated”: Martín Menem called on the deputies not to turn their backs on Javier Milei’s mega DNU (NA Photo: Marcelo Capece).

Last Thursday the Senate rejected the president’s mega Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) Javier Miley. With 42 votes against, 25 affirmative and four abstentions, the decree passed to Deputies.

In this context, the head of the Chamber of Deputies, Martin Menem, He called on legislators not to turn their backs on the mega DNU when it is going to be discussed on the premises: “The course It is not negotiated”: “It was in 1994 that the DNU (decrees of necessity and urgency) were given constitutional status; it is striking that Thursday was the first time in 30 years that a chamber rejected a DNU.”

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