“Biden is likely to last 2 years”

by time news

President Joe Biden’s administration is likely to last 2 years. Kamala Harris’ words on migrants are the result of an electoral calculation in view of next year’s midterm and the very existence of the administration is at stake. This is what Edward Luttwak, US political scientist and economist claims in an interview with Adnkronos, commenting on the appeal of the US vice president who asked potential migrants not to go to the US border “because you will be rejected”. These statements made some Democrats like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez turn up their noses, calling the Biden administration’s immigration policy “wrong and inhuman”.

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“Kamala Harris had to send a very strong message because otherwise the administration will last two years”, says Luttwak, according to whom “looking at next year’s elections, if the Democrats, who already do not have a majority in the Senate, they will also lose the Chamber. This would mean the end of the Biden administration “, which” is playing the future on migrants “.

For Luttwak, the ‘open doors’ policy announced by the president shortly after his inauguration was a “mistake” due to a strong will to differentiate himself from his predecessor Donald Trump.

“Half the population of Latin America would like to come to the United States as well as more than half of the West African population want Europe,” continues the political scientist, according to whom Biden’s words have irritated the Hispanic community living in the states along the southern border and that “absolutely does not want migrants”.

“The open door policy is not feasible – concludes Luttwak – Personally I have no problem with Hispanic immigration, but I repeat, Kamala Harris had to send a very strong message because otherwise the administration will last two years”.

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