National Fan Registry: how the requirement that the Government demanded of the ANFP to enter the stadiums works – 2024-03-18 14:16:35

by times news cr

2024-03-18 14:16:35

Check out what the new measure consists of: how to register and when it will begin to be implemented.

The serious incidents carried out by Colo Colo fans in the Super Cup, where they set fire to part of the North Gallery sector of the National Stadium, began the debate about security in sports venues.

In fact, this situation caused a series of capacity reductions and the suspension of the University of Chile match.

In order to address violence in stadiums, one of the main measures was announced, which has to do with the National Fan Registry.

What is the National Fan Registry?

The National Fan Registry consists of a system of facial recognition when entering the stadium. This with the objective of “ensure that people entering the stadium are not prohibited from entering and that people“Those who commit misdeeds are quickly identified.”said ANFP helmsman Pablo Milad.

In this way, to be able to access the sports venues, the spectator must register with their biometric datathat is, with its face and his identity cardin order to be identified in case of causing damage in the middle of the show.

Regarding the application of this measure, Milad explained that “the premises are the ones that must have the technology. No specific technology is required because There are ticket holders that have digital elements to establish the connection with the information center that can send whether or not the person who is going to enter the stadium is registered“.

In relation to the sale of tickets, when the fan purchases their ticket, the system will direct them to a digital site, where it will be indicated whether or not they are registered in the registry. For the same, This will condition the purchase of tickets.

As PuntoTicket pointed out to THE DYNAMOOn the part of the ticket holders there is no special mechanism and they operate based on what is determined by the club organizing the event.

Along these lines, the ANFP helmsman stated that the National Fan Registry “requires an installation process and adaptation of all ticket holders, because there is not a single ticket holder for the clubs, but there are 14, so we have to unify them and put out to tender the company that will take care of this“.

How to register for the National Fan Registry?

To register for the National Fan Registry, you must follow these steps:

  • Enter the page
  • Once on the site, complete the captcha and accept the site’s Privacy Policy. To do this, you must be over 14 years old.
  • Take a photo of your ID card. Make sure the image is well focused.
  • Once this is done, you must take a selfie by centering your face on the oval that will appear on the screen.
  • After completing all the information, you will be registered in the National Fan Registry.

The implementation of the National Fan Registry will be gradual

This measure will be used as a pilot and mandatory in the duel between the University of Chile and Audax Italiano, which is agreed for this Saturday at 6:00 p.m. at the National Stadium.

From there, registration will begin to be implemented gradually, this requirement will be requested in matches considered “high risk.”

“We have agreed on a transition period, I mean that between now and August we are going to ask the presidential delegates to “In those matches that are considered high risk, the application of the National Fan Registry is required as a requirement for authorization.”explained the Undersecretary of the Interior, Manuel Monsalve.

From there, it is expected that from January 2025 be a mandatory requirement for public entry to sports venues.

“We remain in the installation in a process of pilot plans, between now and August to begin definitively, and with the law implemented “On January 1, 2025, it will be mandatory for all people who attend a stadium in Chile.”Pablo Milad remarked.

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