How To Control Blood Sugar Level Naturally, Diabetes In Summer: Diabetes patients should start doing these 10 things from now, blood sugar will remain under control throughout the summer – diabetics follow these 10 easy tips to control blood sugar level during summer – 2024-03-20 21:06:32

by times news cr

2024-03-20 21:06:32
It can be a little difficult to keep the sugar level under control in summer. As the heat increases, your habits also change, which can affect the sugar level. Diabetes is a condition that can be managed by eating right and exercising.

Founder of Detoxpri and Holistic Nutritionist Priyanshi Bhatnagar According to, it is very important to take a balanced diet and exercise during this period. Follow these easy tips to manage diabetes in summer.

drink lots of water
Especially in summer, it is very important to drink adequate amount of water throughout the day. Dehydration i.e. lack of water in the body can affect the blood sugar level and can cause many problems.

eat light food
Avoid eating oily and spicy food in summer. Instead of this, take light, fresh and fiber rich diet. Consuming fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains helps keep sugar levels stable.

Keep checking blood sugar level
Get your blood sugar checked regularly, especially in summer. In summer, the sensitivity of insulin in the body may decrease, which affects the sugar level. Therefore, you can change the quantity of your medicines or insulin as per the doctor’s advice.

take care of medicines
Keep your diabetes medicines and insulin away from direct sunlight and extreme heat. Heat can reduce the effectiveness of these medicines. Keep them in a cool and dry place or keep them in a cool bag while traveling.

avoid sunlight
Wear sunscreen, protective clothing and a hat to protect yourself from the sun when going out. Sunlight can burn the skin, which puts a strain on the body and can also affect blood sugar.

stay active
Regular exercise is very important, but be careful while exercising in summer. Exercise when it is not too hot, such as early in the morning or in the evening. Keep your body hydrated and keep checking your blood sugar levels before, during and after exercise.

go out fully prepared
If you are going out for a walk or to any event, then prepare for it in advance. Carry water, snacks and diabetes essentials with you. To manage blood sugar levels, you can keep low-carb and easy-to-carry snacks like nuts, seeds or cheese.

reduce alcohol consumption
Alcohol can affect blood sugar levels and increase dehydration. If you want to drink alcohol, drink in moderation and eat a meal to keep your blood sugar levels stable.

be prepared for emergencies
Always carry a diabetes emergency kit with you, especially when traveling or spending a lot of time outdoors. Keep this kit with glucose tablets or gel, glucagon injection kit (if prescribed by the doctor), and emergency contact numbers.

seek medical advice
If you are having any problem in managing blood sugar level in summer or are seeing some unusual symptoms in the body, then definitely consult your doctor.

Control diabetes easily with these home remedies

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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