Meloni in the Chamber hugs Salvini (who then leaves). And to the opposition: “I see you are nervous.” Conte: “You are leading us to world war”

by time news

A hug for a few seconds with Matteo Salvini (who then leaves the Chamber after five minutes) and attacks on the “somewhat nervous” opposition. Giorgia Meloni appeared before the House of Communications in view of EU Council and he once again claimed the unity of the majority on foreign policy. Despite the absence of the Northern League leader during his speech yesterday in the Senate and despite the rumors of internal tensions, especially after the statements in defense of the Russian vote by the Northern League, are increasingly insistent. The Prime Minister denies everything and, indeed, he takes it out on the Pd-M5s lineup: “Guys, I see you’re a bit nervous”, he said, only to then have to apologize for the use of the word “guys”.

Therefore, speaking about relations with allies, Meloni said she was very calm. “They tell me to talk to Orban and Salvini to clarify support for Ukraine,” he said. “In both cases, decisions and votes count. The Italian government has a clear position in the EU. When I talk to people with whom I have good relationships I bring home results.” Then, turning to the dem Piero De Lucahe added: “It seems to me there is a bigger issue in the famous field largo. I am not only talking about the very clear and crystalline position of the M5S, but also about the ambiguity of which explains to us what we must do and then abstains on sending weapons to Ukraine”.

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But the clash at Montecitorio was first and foremost with Giuseppe Conte. The M5s leader in fact accused the Prime Minister of having no weight in foreign policy: “She shows up today without solutions, he doesn’t want to send troops to Ukraine, he doesn’t want to deal with Putin, he doesn’t want to participate in a peace table, he has put Italy in a dead end. Negotiating the best conditions for Ukraine is the only way to avoid World War III.” And he attacked: “The Italians don’t want the third world war where you are taking us“. And again: “What happened to the bet he made on military victory against Russia? What have we produced with this strategy? Deaths, destruction, indebtedness of Italians. And you earned a nice kiss on the head for your loyalty to Washington.” Then Conte, referring to the debate yesterday March 19th in the Senate, said: “Do you realize that a senator from your party allowed himself to make a homophobic joke about Macron? But what is a comedy script? She is the Prime Minister and not a comedian. But in your opinion, the Italians’ problem is my clutch bag or the helmet she put on her head?”.

Then the dem leader spoke Elly Schlein. Who responded to the prime minister and in particular to her strenuous defense of the trip to Egypt by saying that “Al Sisi is different from Putin” because “he did not invade a neighboring nation”. Then the PD secretary replied: “When he goes to Egypt demand from al Sisi the addresses of the 4 assassins who killed an Italian researcher, a European researcher, this should be asked of al Sisi.” As for Ukraine, Schlein rejected Meloni’s accusations: “We have always maintained a coherent attitude regardless of his fake news: we have always maintained that it is our duty to support the Ukrainian people“. And “supporting Ukraine is right, but we are against sending European soldiers into the field. An extra effort is needed for a just and lasting peace and this effort so far has not been sufficient”, we must also deal with those like “Viktor Orban who poses vetoes and you are about to welcome him with open arms into your group in Europe. Arms open unlike those of Ilaria Salis who are in chains.”

During his speech, Meloni also spoke about the war in the Middle East. “It’s important to remember who started the conflict,” he said. “But I also think there are some things that need to be done. On which Italy also tries to have a clear position. Particularly with what is happening in Gaza. We fear Israel’s growing isolation. Also in Israel’s interest, it is necessary to clearly reiterate our opposition to a military ground operation in Rafah which could have catastrophic effects”. And also for this reason Meloni said that, before restoring the funds to UNRWA, he wants to make other assessments: “I do not agree” with the secretary of SI Nicola Fratoianni “on the issue of immediate restoration of funds to UNRWA: Until full light has been shed on resource usage, you should not make this mistake. It does not mean not taking care of civilians in Gaza: while we suspend funds to UNRWA, other associations operate, we have transferred 20 million euros to the Red Cross and Red Crescent. And today we are about to allocate additional resources to Food for Gaza to better coordinate aid.” Finally, Meloni attacked the academic position on the war that arrived in the last few hours: “I consider it worrying that the Academic Senate ofUniversity of Turin choose not to participate in the call for scientific cooperation with Israel. And do it after an occupation by the collectives. If the institutions bow to these methods we risk having many problems.”

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