The current Prime Minister of Armenia is not negotiating peace behind the backs of the Armenian people, but the conditions for extending his own power at the expense of all of us. Armen Ashotyan – 2024-03-23 11:06:58

by times news cr

2024-03-23 11:06:58

RPA Vice President Armen Ashotyan, being in “Nubarashen” Penitentiary, continues remote active contacts with the public. As “Aravot” reports, he answered some questions of the citizens within the framework of remote conversation.

“First of all, it should be stated directly that what Pashinyan is preparing the Armenian people for and what he is promising the Armenian people is not peace, but a painful death. And Aliyev’s last interview and Nikol’s toothless, pitiful response only reflect that the current Prime Minister of Armenia is not negotiating peace behind the backs of the Armenian people, but rather the conditions for extending his own power at the expense of all of us,” this is how RPA Vice President Yelena Petrosyan answered the question of peace to the society. does the security of the state weaken during preparation or not?

“The fact that Nikol has put his own people in the place of a brainless, unworthy, selfless mass, whose ears he is trying to fill with a cocktail of immoral lies and false promises, which will one day explode in Pashinyan’s face, is also not less possible. And the number two threat to the security of the state is Nikol himself. However, the number one threat is not himself, but the value system crisis that still exists among the people, the crisis of right and wrong, the crisis of just and unjust. As soon as this crisis is overcome, Pashinyan will not stay in his seat for a week,” said Armen Ashotyan.

To Narine Martirosyan’s question, our country is full of drug addicts and gamblers, on the one hand territorial losses, on the other hand such problems. how to fight against all this, RPA vice-president answered. “At first glance, the problems you listed are not related to each other. In fact, both our human and territorial losses, gambling and drug addiction are the result of the deep moral and psychological crisis of the people and grow from the same root. As with any disease, it is necessary to look at the root. It is possible to ease the cough, lower the fever, alleviate the fever, but all that is a fight against the consequences, not the cause of the disease. After rediscovering the answer to the question, “Who are we?”, after crystallizing the nation’s political self, all existing problems, including the ones you listed, will receive a serious solution and motivation.”

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