Effective Tips for Healthy Weight Loss and Motivation – Explained by Dr. Christine Theiss!

by time news

2024-03-30 07:22:16

She knows exactly how to do it: losing weight healthily can be so easy if you know what to look out for. Dr. Christine Theiss explains how to change your diet correctly and, above all, how you can motivate yourself every day!

Do you want to live healthier?

➡ Watch the latest episode of “The Biggest Loser” on Joyn.

In the video: The best tips for losing weight from Biggest Loser coach Christine Theiss

Losing weight at home: How do I manage to stay motivated?

Set realistic and clear goals: A trick to staying on track with losing weight is to set small, achievable goals. Instead of being put off by the big number on the scale, focus on small milestones along the way. These milestones are like mini-victories that keep your motivation high and make success more tangible.

That also plays a role Time window an important role. Set realistic and achievable goals for your weight loss program. It is important to be patient and focus long term Results to focus on instead of quick solutions.

Also interesting: Weight stagnation during your diet? The best tips for a successful breakthrough.

Away from the numbers on the scales and towards a better lifestylel: In addition, you shouldn’t always just concentrate on pure kilo numbers. Instead of: “I want to lose 15 kilos in four weeks”, you could, for example, work towards going for an hour’s walk a day and thus playfully bring more exercise into your everyday life.

Food diary: Especially at the beginning of a weight loss journey, it is important to be honest with yourself. Writing down meals helps you eat more consciously, control calories, and identify problematic eating habits.

Also a Fitness tracker or a smartwatch can be motivating as they increase awareness of one’s activity and health. By recording steps, calories burned and exercise times, users can track their progress and set goals. The visual representation of the data and the reminders to exercise can help motivate you to become more active and pursue a healthy lifestyle.

How do I make an effective and long-term change in diet?

Bye bye fast food and Finished products, Instead, cook yourself: This means you can control exactly what ends up on your plate. You decide which ingredients you use and can get creative without worrying about what is hidden in the mysterious ready-made packages. Cooking at home also means you can customize your meals – less salt here, more vegetables there, to suit your tastes and needs.

Also, try harder pay attention to your feeling of hunger. Recognizing your body’s signals and only eating when you’re really hungry can help you avoid overeating and snacking attacks. Sometimes it’s also a good idea to ask yourself: Am I really hungry or just bored or stressed?

In the video: This is how you can do more exercise in the long term

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